Page 69 of Rage

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He shrugged. “I enjoy fucking you, Ruby. However it happens. But I do have certain… appetites we never had the opportunity to explore.”

“You like to… hurt women?” Her voice was small and he resisted the urge to go to her, pull her into his arms, promise that she would never be hurt by his hand unless she wanted to be hurt for her own pleasure.

“No,” he said firmly. “I don’t hurt women. I give them pleasure. And some women find pleasure in being submissive. In giving up control.”

He’d chosen his words carefully. A question described as a statement because he’d had a feeling since the beginning that Ruby might be a born submissive. That she might be tired of being in control but unable to express that fatigue sexually.

Her lips were parted, her cheeks flushed, and his cock stirred in his trousers. She was here, in his playroom, like he’d dreamed a thousand times.

He could strap her to the cross, run a tickler down her naked body until she moaned, flick a flogger across her tits until she begged him to fuck her, eat her sweet little pussy until she dripped onto the marble floor.

“I… see,” she said.

“Do you?”

“I don’t… I don’t know.” She swallowed hard. “So you have sex with women who like giving up control. That means you find pleasure in… taking it?”


She looked around the room, like she couldn’t quite believe it was real, Alice in a new kind of Wonderland. “I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything. This is my… thing. It doesn’t have to be part of our relationship.” He waited for her to correct him, to tell him what they had was no longer a relationship, and was relieved when she didn’t. “In any case, you could have asked to see it. I would have shown you.”

“I didn’t think you would,” she said. “I figured it was locked for a reason.”

“It was,” he said. “You’ve been through a lot. I didn’t want to scare you, to pressure you.”

She held his gaze. “I’m not scared.”

HIs cock was hard now, begging for her mouth, the haven between her thighs.

But that was better saved for another time. Better for this discussion to be clinical, as clinical as was possible with the woman of his dreams finally standing in his playroom.

“Good,” he said. “You can ask me anything, Ruby. Always. I promise to always tell you the whole truth.”

He would never make the mistake of lying to her again.

“Okay,” she said. “What’s in the other room? The one with the locked door across from mine.”

He straightened. “Follow me.”



Her stomach twisted as she followed him down the hall. After seeing the pink-lit room with its many instruments of pleasure (pain?), she couldn’t imagine what could be hiding behind the other locked door.

“I didn’t show you sooner because I didn’t want to upset you,” Roman said, removing a set of keys from his pocket.

What the actual fuck?she thought.

She felt like she was in a fun house hall of mirrors. Nothing had been as it seemed since the moment Roman Kalashnik had pulled Adam off her in the alley behind Roasted.

He unlocked the door and pushed it open, then stood back to let her enter before him.

She hesitated, feeling like she was on the threshold of something life-altering. Like once she stepped through the door, once she knew what was on the other side, there would be no going back.

She stepped inside and gasped.
