Page 41 of You Broke Me First

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"I'm sorry," I muttered, tangling my fingers into hers.

"What are you doing?" she scowled, fighting my hold.

"Chill, tutor girl." I smirked. "I'm not making a move. I'm trying to save your wrist from any more damage." She looked down at our hands. "If I'm holding your hand, it will prevent our arms from being jerked away from each other."

"Fine," she groaned. "Let's just go."

Pushing open the front door, my smile faded when my eyes locked with Coach's. I inwardly groaned. His eyes flashed between the tutor girl and me before noticing the handcuffs. She tried to shake her hand out of mine, but my grip tightened possessively.

"Maddox," he hissed. "Take those handcuffs off her right now."

"I would," I smirked, pulling our hands up, "but she's in charge of the key, Boss." His eyes flashed to hers, growing wider as what I meant set in.

"Coach," she stuttered. He shook his head, and her mouth snapped shut. He'd just shut her up with a look. I needed to learn that trick.

Coach side-stepped us, storming off without another word.

I knew he was her boss, but he seemed madder at her than with me, which was a pleasant change. It was always me he was angry with.

"You're probably going to get fired tomorrow," I said as we strolled down the sidewalk toward my apartment.

"Why didn't you let my hand go?" she groaned. I didn't know why I refused to let her hand go, but I wanted him to know she was leaving with me. Maybe it was because he'd forced her on me, or perhaps it was because I knew Coach had a thing for pretty young blondes.

I shrugged. I was sure Coach could care less about whose hand I was holding, anyway. He was worried about the press seeing me handcuffed to a girl and what headline they'd spin.

"Where's the key?" I shut the door to my apartment.

"My purse." She pulled me towards the living room where she'd dropped her things. Grabbing her purse, she dug through it. I tapped my foot impatiently, waiting for her to find it. As fun as this was, I was ready for some freedom.

She dumped the contents of her purse on the table, frantically searching through everything. "I put it in my purse." She stood patting down her thighs, double-checking her pockets. Nothing. She twisted to search the floor around the table, yelping when she jerked against the cuffs.

"Stop," I ordered, taking hold of her hand. "Let me see your wrist." I brushed my fingers down her arm to the markings on her wrist, examining them.

"Don't touch me," she bit out, jerking her hand from me. I threw my other hand in the air, "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I groaned, leaning into her. "What did I do to you?" She huffed out a laugh. "You know what?" I folded my hand into hers to keep from hurting her, knowing she'd fight it. "Never mind." I stormed towards the room, dragging her with me.

"Where are we going?" she asked, using all her weight to stop me. I coughed out a laugh, tightening my grip on her hand and pulling her with me. "I need to find the key."

"I'm tired," I grunted. "I'm going to bed. We'll find it in the morning."

"Maddox," she snapped. I froze at my bedside, squeezing my eyes shut. Every time she said my name, I could hear Addy so clearly. I'd had too much to drink. "I'm not sleeping here with you in the same bed." She pulled against my hand, but I didn't budge.

"Relax, princess," I muttered, rolling my eyes, scooping her up, and dropping her in my bed. "You're not my type either. I prefer them a lot easier." And I didn't mean sexually. I climbed in beside her. She blew out an exasperated breath, knowing she wouldn't win this one.

Closing my eyes, I sucked in a deep breath as I laid the back of my head on my free hand and then slowly released it. After all this time, every time I closed my eyes, I still saw her and the hurt I'd caused her covering her face, and for some reason, tutor girl was a trigger for all the old memories.



I startled awake, my eyes flashing open at the piercing scream of my alarm. I groaned, rolling over to slap it, and felt the tug of the cuffs, reminding me that last night wasn't a bad dream.

"Wake up," I grunted, spotting the button on the alarm and slapping it. "We need to find tha..." I swallowed my words when my gaze flashed over to an empty bed trailing up my arm. "No fucking way!" She was gone, and I was cuffed to the headboard. I yanked hard on the cuff, growling in frustration.

I patted the bed around me, searching for my phone. Nothing. She was going to leave me there to die.

My pillow vibrated, and I felt around quickly, finding my phone.

Unknown #: Good morning, Casanova.
