Page 59 of You Broke Me First

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Something had shifted between us. The air was thick with something I couldn't quite pinpoint. Maddox's words from the letter played back through my head, mixed with all the emotions of him being here with me, and it was all confusing my head and heart.

"Truth or dare?" It wasn't his turn, but I didn't care. My stomach fluttered as my eyes lingered on his mouth, and at that moment, all I could think about was kissing him. I wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or the desperate need to feel him again, but the need was outweighing every other logical thought I had.

"Dare," I whispered, rolling over to my side. He did the same. Our bodies were so close I could feel the heat radiating from him. I drew in a slow, deep breath as my heart began to race in anticipation.

The tip of his tongue swept across his lips as his gaze dropped to my mouth. A bolt of heat rushed over me as he leaned closer. "Kiss me," he breathed against my lips, but he didn't wait for me to come to him. Instead, his mouth captured mine so hard he stole my breath. His hand slid into my hair, pulling my mouth harder against his. His tongue pushed through, devouring every inch of my mouth and making me forget everything, both past and present; I only wanted him. Our bodies flush against each other, he rolled, pinning me underneath him. Closing my eyes, I ached to feel him as heat overtook my body, settling between my thighs.

I might regret this tomorrow, but at that moment, it didn't matter.

I. Needed. This.

I needed him. I wanted him.

His mouth released mine long enough to rip his shirt over his head before his lips claimed mine in a desperate and frantic kiss. His hands were everywhere as he pulled and tugged at my clothing, frantically tearing them from my body until we were both naked. His lips slid down my throat as his hips pushed into mine, allowing me to feel every inch of his arousal.

Wrapping my legs around him, I sunk my nails into his back. Not enough to break his perfect skin but enough to get his attention. His fingers dug into my flesh as his hot breath hit the cool skin of my throat. He slid his thick erection through the slickness between my thighs, and I moaned with each stroke of his wide head hitting my clit.

"Maddox," I cried out, needing to feel him. I thrust my hips forward, meeting his as my core throbbed, desperate for him to fill me.

His cock nudged my entrance as he slid his nose up the column of my throat, and with one swift thrust, he filled me. I cried out, and his mouth claimed mine, stealing my moan and swallowing it whole. My pussy walls flexed around him as he stilled, allowing me time to adjust to him.

Rocking my hips, I gasped when he pulled out, driving back in deeper. He pumped in and out, each thrust growing more intense.

"Fuck," he groaned into my neck as he thrust harder and deeper, grinding into me. His speed picked up as he started fucking me hard and fast, rolling his hips. My pussy clenched along with my entire body as my body started to vibrate.

I needed more.

Thrusting my hips forward, I met his. Heat built low in my stomach, spreading through my body and threatening to explode. His head dropped to my shoulder as every muscle in his body tightened. He was close. I rolled my hips, matching each of his vicious thrusts.

He grunted as he drove himself deeper, grinding himself hard against me and teasing my clit. My entire body stiffened as my orgasm ripped through me, and I exploded in an orgasmic rush so severe every ounce of air exhaled from my lungs as I screamed his name. With one more hard, deep thrust, he emptied himself inside me.

He stilled as his entire body went limp, falling against mine.

As we lay in silence under the stars, the realization of what just happened sunk in. Oddly, I didn't regret it, but I did worry that it would mean something entirely different to him than it did me.



Our plane didn't fly out until the following evening, and since the annual Riverview County Fair was in town, we decided to get out of the small apartment and have a little fun.

As I walked side by side with Addison through the fairgrounds, I wasn't sure how to read her. She'd been off all morning, and I couldn't help but wonder if it had anything to do with what happened last night.

She'd seemed fine after sex. We'd fallen asleep together in the back of the truck, but her entire mood shifted once we got back to change and make plans for the day. I knew what happened in the back of that truck didn't mean the entire past was gone and she'd not only forgiven me but also forgotten about it, but I'd hoped it meant more than just a casual fuck.

"I used to come here every year," I said, trying to make conversation.

"I've never been." She smiled.

"Wait," I said, stopping her. "You've never been to the fair?" She shook her head. "You've never had funnel cake?" Narrowing her eyes, she shook her head again. "Well, I know what we are doing first."

"Addy," a woman called out behind us. We both twisted around to see Karly standing behind us. "Omigod, it is you!"

"Karly," Addison screamed, and the two tackled each other in a hug. "Omigod, how are you? Where's baby Chaz? Where's big Chaz?" Addison's questions were coming fast and furious.

"They are playing a game." She laughed, throwing a thumb over her shoulder. "I just came to grab a drink." Karly's eyes cut to me and then back to Addison. She didn't seem surprised to see me with Addison. "I didn't realize you were home."

"Only for a few days," Addison said. "We leave tomorrow night." She didn't say anything about her mom or why we were here, and I couldn't help but wonder why.
