Page 20 of Destined Shadows

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I’m weak for their touch, desperate for their attention, and embarrassingly needy to let my body take control.

I know I’m not going to get anything without an answer, though. Digging deep, I only feel anger, fury, rage, frustration, and agitation, or whatever can describe the storm brewing inside me, and none of it elicits anything in my magic.


“I feel like I hate you right now. I feel every version of torment, and none of it does anything. Is that what you want to hear?” I look at him through hooded eyes, my jaw tight, but he doesn’t falter under my glare, likely because his magic continues to hold me in place.

“And how do you feel when my fingers are in your sweet pussy?” he asks, plunging his fingers back into my core. My anger doesn’t ebb for a few seconds, but as the pad of his finger crazes my G-spot, it’s impossible to cling to the emotion. “Tell me,” he grunts, his motions getting harder and faster, and tears of ecstasy prick the back of my eyelids.

“I-I don’t know,” I chatter, my head tilting back as the need to press my thighs together becomes overwhelming but no longer possible in my current state. The tingles start in my toes and I try to hide my reaction to it, not wanting him to stopagain, but something else gives me away because he retreats just as quickly as he did last time.

I’m done.

I’msofucking done.

A cry parts my lips, like one I imagine at war, the brutal end coming. That’s what this feels like.

Clenching my eyes shut again, I can’t look at him. “Let me down. Now.”

“What are you feeling, Shadow?”

“Fuck. You.” My chest rattles with every inhale. “Let. Me. Down. Now,” I repeat, my insides trembling with the overwhelming disappointment and sadness colliding in my mind.

“Raven. Tell me what you’re feeling,” Brax pushes, but I’m done talking to this asshole.

My eyes collide with his, and I snarl. “Fuck—”

His hand grips my jaw tight, making me wince, but that doesn’t make him falter as he looks deep into my eyes, piercing my soul like he always does.

“Feel it. Take a fucking minute andfeelit.”

My nostrils flare with annoyance. I don’t want to listen to him. I don’t want his guidance. I want nothing from this man. But I’m still a toy in the palm of his hand and the only way I’m going to get out of here is if I draw this shit to an end.

I close my eyes, my jaw still tight with irritation, and the second I enter the abyss that homes my magic, I feel it. More than that, I see the flickers of a purple flame. Whatever I’m feeling right now connects me to this very spot. Pinpointing what that is feels like a battle I’m not prepared for.

It’s not the anger or anything else that wants me to rain carnage down on Brax. I felt that earlier and it didn’t give me this. No, this is something else, something deeper.

Blinking my eyes open, I feel the cool, wet stains of my tears along my cheeks, and it’s a startling realization. One that has the purple flicker blossoming inside of me.

“Tell me what it is,” Brax whispers, barely an inch between us.

I gulp, keeping my lips locked tight. Right now, he doesn’t deserve the knowledge, and I can’t bring myself to admit how I feel.

“Move out of the fucking way, Brax,” Creed hisses, shoulder checking his friend so he can be the one standing face to face with me. I get the sense that Brax moved willingly, but I can’t fixate on that fact while Creed cups my cheek, distracting me from everything but him. “It’s sadness. Her magic is fueled by sadness.”

“I didn’t make her sad,” Brax interjects, earning himself a deathly glare from the fierce onyx eyes in front of me.

“Don’t bullshit me. That might not have been your intention, but look at her. She’s fueled by it. Now drop the magic.” His scathing gaze turns to a soft stare as he looks back at me and my arms drop to my sides as my feet dig into the grass beneath me.

“Sadness… fuck, that’s hard. I don’t want you to have to feel that every single time…” Zane murmurs, coming to stand beside Creed, and I sniffle, still at a loss for words.

“Fuck your sweet words at her discomfort, Zane,” Eldon grunts a moment before he envelops me in his arms from behind. “Make her fucking scream.” His hands splay out over my stomach, slowly stroking lower until he meets the apex of my thighs.

Creed drops to his knees in front of me as I stand in a daze, but before he can reach for me, he’s shoved out of the way by Brax, who falls to his knees while swooping up my thighs and draping them over his shoulders.

I don’t have time to deny him as his lips wrap around my clit, sucking like his life depends on it, and my back arches. Eldon holds me up, cupping my breasts and trailing kisses over my shoulder as I cry out.

The world goes black at Creed’s doing at the same time two fingers consume my core. Hands are everywhere, lips brushing against every inch of my skin as the sadness ebbs and raw pleasure consumes me.
