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“How about you try it now,” Auggie prompts.

“Can you do one more?” Zach begs. And just like Ryan before him with Claire, Auggie can’t refuse a tiny, pleading face.

“Okay, one more,” Auggie says.

“Do one about something sillyyoudid this time, Uncle Auggie.”

Uncle Auggie. Auggie and I exchange a brief look—one that acknowledges his upgrade to uncle status.

“Okay.” After pausing, Auggie sings, “I’ve got a salami sandwich and it’s yummy and fun to eat. It’s fun having a salami sandwich, even though I’d make more bread with some really pretty feet.”

I burst out laughing at Auggie’s coded song with its secret subtext, as Zach naively guffaws about Auggie’s actual, kid-friendly words.

“Bravo,” I say, clapping. “A masterpiece.”

Auggie winks at me. “You liked that one, Auntie Charlotte?”

“I did. I’m in awe of you. You’ve actually got quite the knack for this silly songwriting thing.”

“I had the best teacher, ever.” He explains to Zach, “My grandmother loved singing silly songs. She did it all the time.”

I rub Auggie’s back, comforting him about the loss of his beloved grandma. “You have a really nice singing voice. With that face and that voice, you truly could have been in boy bander. The world missed out.”

Auggie laughs. “Unfortunately, I don’t have the dance moves, so I never would have made the cut. Plus, I get stage fright.” He winks. “Well, I used to, anyway.”

I feel myself blush. “I can’t wait to judge your dance skills for myself when you perform your middle school *NSYNC routine for me.”

Auggie scowls. “I was hoping you’d forgotten about that.”

“Not a chance, baby. I’d sooner forget my own name.”

Auggie rolls his eyes before returning to Zach. “Okay, it’s your turn now. You can sing about anything and it doesn’t have to rhyme. Let your mind wander and the words will tumble out.

Zach gives it a whirl, and the disjointed, rambling song he produces is truly the cutest thing, ever. When he’s done, Auggie and I applaud and praise him, and Zach expresses excitement.

“I think it’s already working!” he says. “I can feel tonight’s nightmare going away!”

“See? I’m telling you. It works like magic.”

“Will you tell Mommy and Daddy the trick, so Mommy doesn’t have another nightmare?”

“We sure will,” Auggie says, patting Zach’s little arm.

“It’s so sweet of you to want to take care of your mommy,” I say, just as Ryan and Tessa enter the room.

Zach excitedly tells his parents the fabulous trick “Uncle Auggie” taught him, so he won’t have nightmares, and, of course, he also tells Tessa, “You can do da trick, too, Mommy, so you won’t have any more nightmares!”

Tessa looks confused, so Ryan leans in and whispers into her ear—something that makes it hard for Tessa to keep a straight face. As Tessa reacts comically, the other three adults in the room chuckle and swap amused, knowing glances.

“I’ll definitely give it a try, buddy,” Tessa says. She leans down and kisses her son. “Thank you for always looking out for me. Goodnight, love.”

Hugs, goodnights, and “I love you’s” are administered across the board, and a minute later, we four adults are standing together in the hallway. We talk briefly about logistics for tomorrow, since I’ve volunteered to drive Tessa and the family to the airport. When that conversation is over, Ryan and Tessa head to their bedroom for the night, while Auggie and I head downstairs to check on Lucky.

When we find our beloved dog, he’s snuggled up with Rudy on the couch and doesn’t look the least bit interested in following us back up the stairs. Our fur baby settled, we head to our guest bedroom, holding hands as we go, our mutual bodylanguage making it clear we’re both planning to finish off an amazing day with another round of amazing sex.

When we get to the guest bedroom, Auggie shuts the door behind us and turns to me with molten lust in his gorgeous blue eyes. “Hey, beautiful lady,” he says flirtatiously. “Can you guess my mission for tonight?” The question is rhetorical, I think; also, my clit is pulsing like crazy, so I’d rather get down to business than pepper him with guesses.

“Tell me and then fuck me, please.”
