Page 18 of The Office Guest

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“It was between this place or AutoZone,” I say. “Honestly, I tried AutoZone first, but they fired me when they realized I didn’t know shit about cars.”

“Noted.” He laughs. “You’re very good at decor and hospitality, though. You should be doingthat.”

“I thought so, too.” I lean back on the couch’s luxurious cushions. “I already told you that I was forced to walk away from the highest job I could possibly get in that sector, though. All other places pale in comparison. No offense.”

“None taken.” He looks as if he wants to say more, but he holds back.

He’s often asked me about my previous job but never pressed for me to share more. He can sense it’s a hurtful subject.

“Will you quit working once you reach billionaire status?” I change the subject.

“No, I’ll probably work ten times harder.”

“So you really enjoy this corporate soul-sucking stuff?”

“Yes.” He looks amused. “It’s something I’m the best at doing. Well, one thing, anyway.”

“Don’t let me keep you away from it for another second then.” I roll over, facing the back of the couch. “I’ll redownload the spreadsheets via the cloud after my nap.”

I shut my eyes and hear the familiar sound of him hitting the lights. But his footsteps don’t trail down the hall as usual.

Instead, I feel the couch cushions shift, then him moving next to me.

I can feel his breath against the back of my neck, his cock slowly hardening against my ass as the seconds pass, but his hands aren’t touching me.

I should move, but I like him being this close to me. It’s the most comfortable I’ve felt with anyone in a very long time.

“Can I ask you a quick question?” I whisper.

“Of course.”

“Hypothetically, if I didn’t have a boyfriend and you were single—”

“We wouldn’t be 'talking' or ‘napping’ right now.”

“So, you'd want to add me to the long list of women you've had sex with in your office?”

“No, I'd make you the first.” He presses a kiss against my neck. “Go to sleep.”




Two Weeks Before Christmas

Subject: My Co-Employee of the Month Nomination

Mr. Reiss,

As you know, I take great pride in selecting a co-employee of the month since you always give me a much-deserved bonus. (Although it would be nice to be publicly awarded again, I understand.)

Anyway, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but November was undoubtedly the month ofGeorgia Grey.

She’s consistently worked from four in the morning until ten in the evening every day. She’s gone above and beyond in a way I never believed possible.

But, by no means does this erase her terrible track record from all the months before, and she’s still the worst coworker I’ve ever had.

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