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She arches her back into me, begging for me, and I swirl my tongue around the same nipple, sucking it gently while listening to her breaths get more ragged. Her legs instinctively wrap around my waist, her slick center rubbing all over the front of my jeans, and I growl at the contact.

I’m not sure how much longer I can take not being inside her, especially when her sweet scent is wafting through the air. Her lips are a beautiful pink and swollen when I pull away and I can’t help but run my thumb over her bottom lip, which she takes as an invitation to sink her teeth into it.

Nothing but pure heat travels through my system and I close my eyes briefly, basking in the feeling, before stepping off the bed and pulling my pants down. Her eyes dilate as she watches my length bob in front of her and she darts her tongue out, scooting to the edge of the bed. She wraps her hand around my length and I hiss at the contact, then shake my head and pull her away. “Not tonight, baby.”

I lift her up and lead us to the other end of the bed, watching as her long waves tumble over the edge like a waterfall. Within seconds I’m situated between her legs, her heated gaze on me as she wraps her legs back around my waist, and it’s the best image I could’ve ever hoped for.

I’m not sure what I did in life to deserve this moment, but I’ll spend the rest of my life thanking God that it happened. Her skin is soft and silky as I graze my finger down her chest and over her stomach, only stopping just above her sweet spot, then I lean down and press my lips aggressively against hers.

Chapter 20


This part of my time here only gets harder and harder. My eyes are stinging with tears as Brent leans against the driver’s side of my car, a frown on his face as if it’s hurting him just as much. Even with a coat on, I can still see the outline of his muscles through the fabric and my mind conjures up an image of our night together last night — not doing anything to ebb the sadness away.

Nathan walks up to the car with a smile and gives me a small wave before patting his dad on the back. “Drive safe, you hear?”

I nod, hating that I’m even driving away from this place. There’s no denying how much I’ve fallen in love with everything about it, and it only sucks more because I’m supposed to be helping Heath do whatever it is he’s doing. “I will.”

My gaze darts to Brent, his eyes pinned on mine, and he pushes away from the car with a sigh. “I gave you my number, text me when you get back home.” He doesn’t spend another minute by the car, choosing to walk away with his hands in his pockets and I bite my bottom lip to keep me from crying.

Nathan clears his throat and leans against the car just as his dad was just doing, then glances over his shoulder at his dad. “Don’t worry about him, it’s nothing new that he’s grumpy, but I have a feeling that’s not going to last long.” He winks at me before pushing away from the car, then heads in the direction Brent went and sits beside him on the front porch.

It takes everything in me not to turn the car off and run to the two of them, but it’s not something I have the luxury of doing. With reluctance, I put the car into drive and inch slowly down the driveway without glancing back through the rearview mirror. If I get even a glimpse of the two of them watching me I’m not sure I’ll be able to leave.

Is it normal to have such overwhelming feelings for two people you barely know? I’ve only been around them a handful of times, but it feels as if they’ve been part of my life for forever and it’s not something I’m used to. A tear slips down my cheek when I reach the end of the drive and I quickly swipe it away before making a right, my heart aching as I get further and further away from the ranch.

The thought of Heath taking me off this job only has the tears falling faster. What will I do if I never see them again? There’s a chance this was the last time I would see either one of them, and I didn’t even say goodbye. They will probably expect me to show up in a few months, and what happens if I don’t? Will they think I intentionally stayed away from them?

God, I hope not.

To calm the emotions rolling through, I connect my phone to the Bluetooth and let my music flow throughout the car. It helps some of the anxiety and sadness running rampant in my mind, but not enough that the tears stop. Maybe it would be best if Heath took me off the job, especially if this reaction will only get worse each time I come out here.

* * *

It’s late afternoon when I finally hit the city, my body already tensing at the idea of being in the thick of traffic. I already miss the privacy the ranch brought for me and I’m mentally counting the days until I go back — if I even get to go back. Heath is probably expecting me to make it to the office this afternoon, but I’m beat and need to rest. Brent kept me up most of the night last night, his hands always finding their way along my body, and I couldn’t deny him even if I tried.

A car horn jolts me from my thoughts and I realize the light in front me has turned green and I’m just sitting in the middle of the road like an idiot. A few pedestrians rush across the road, clearly taking my short attention span as their chance to cross, then I inch forward as quickly as I can. The car who honked at me jerks into the lane next to me, stopping just outside my window to flip me off, and I shake my head with a frown.

Would it kill anyone to be nicer?

My phone ringing causes my music to stop playing and I glance at the touch screen, groaning when I see Heath’s name. It’s like he knows exactly when I get into the city. I should answer the call, but I’m not feeling up to it right now — not when my heart is still hurting from leaving the men who are slowly worming their way into my heart. The best thing for everyone is if I take a minute to breathe and let everything sink in.

The call goes to voicemail and the music picks up right where it left off and I hum along to the lyrics, hoping that it will ease my mind a bit. I pull into the parking garage that connects to my apartment, then quickly exit the car and head toward the elevator. My phone rings again, echoing through the empty space, and I growl in frustration.

I don’t even look at who’s calling before I accept it and say, “I’ll be in tomorrow, now leave me alone. I just drove three damn hours, give me a break!” As soon as the words are out, I slap a hand to my lips and silently pray that he missed everything I said.

“Wow, who pissed in your Cheerios this morning?” Justine says from the other end with a chuckle.

“Thank God,” I mutter, then continue my trek to the elevator.

“I would love to see his face if you managed to say all that to him though — priceless!”

I roll my eyes and take a deep breath. “What’s up?” My voice carries a bit of an edge, but I can’t bring myself to care right now. Not when I’m heading up toward my floor, when there’s a perfectly beautiful home sitting on a ranch that I could be sitting in right now.

“Just wanted to see how everything went this week, that’s all. Everything okay?”

“Everything’s great,” I choke out while slipping my key into the lock, then pushing my front door open.

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