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“I think it’s time for a drink. Would you like one?”

Brent shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair, making it fall in front of his eyes briefly before he pushes it back. “I can go get it for you though, go sit back down.” His lips connect with the top of my head and I feel a jolt of electricity shoot through me from the action.

As I head back to the table, I run a hand through my hair and mumble to myself about the night going terrible. Someone comes onto the microphone, letting all of the guests know dinner is about to be served, and I shake my head before sinking into my chair. Brent looks breathtaking as he makes his way down the carpeted floor, his smile doing nothing to chase away the desire I have for him, and he hands me a small glass of champagne.

Our entire table is filled with random guests that don’t know how to shut up and I’m starting to sense Brent’s comfort dwindling, judging by the way he keeps fidgeting in his seat every time someone looks at him. I excuse myself from the table for a minute, wanting to collect myself before I strangle someone in the middle of a damn charity event, and walk over to a dark corner away from the other tables.

“You can get through this, Syd,” I mutter to myself. “It’s only a few more hours, then you can go home and drink the pain away. You don’t have to deal with everyone’s stares for much longer.” When I turn around to head back to the table, a yelp pops out of my throat as I bump into Brent’s chest. “Shit, I didn’t see you standing there.”

Brent growls. “I think it’s best if I leave, that way the stares can stop.” His anger is evident and I open my mouth to say something, but Heath’s voice rings throughout the speakers surrounding us. Apparently, the announcement is about to take place and he would like everyone to take a seat, which only has Brent grunting in response and storming away from me.

Something feels incredibly wrong and I don’t have a choice but to find out why that is.

Chapter 25


I knew this would happen the moment I stepped foot in this place. Even though I don’t wear Armani or Ralph Lauren, it doesn’t mean I don’t know their stuff when I see it — and that’s all I can see as I glance around the venue space. It shouldn’t surprise me much that Sydney has been waiting for the night to be over with me so she couldn’t be embarrassed any longer, but I didn’t think she’d end up being like them.

All pairs of eyes at our table turn to me when I smack my chair against the surface, nearly knocking drinks off the edge, but I don’t bother muttering an apology. Am I really sorry, considering no one can keep their eyes to themselves? I tried being someone I’m not just by stepping foot in here, but that’s not what I’m going to do any longer and I was always told to treat people the same as they treat you.

There’s a charge in the air as Sydney takes a seat at the table, but I force my gaze to stay down on my lap. It’s ridiculous that she could hurt me in the worst way, yet I’m still itching to look at her and touch her. No matter how angry I am with her right now, it doesn’t change how stunning she looks in the blue dress she’s wearing. It’s tight against her body, but has a train that flows elegantly behind her.

The rhinestones along the bodice only bring everything together.

She’s got her hair curled tightly, much different than I’ve seen it look around the ranch, and makeup that looks like it won’t come off for years. Her steps as she moved back and forth with me were a little shaky at first, but she started getting more into it once her attention fell back on me.

I’ve never felt my hope crash as quickly as it did when I heard the things she was mumbling to herself — how could I have been so stupid to think that I would be enough for her? This is what I get for trusting someone and loving them after years of not being able to feel anything but anger. Sydney was supposed to walk happily into my arms tonight, but instead, she’s managed to keep her distance other than that small moment out on the dance floor — and another at the table when we were sitting alone.

Was it all in my head?

If Nathan were here he’d tell me that I’m thinking too much, but I’m not so sure I am anymore. Sydney can barely look at me as I glance across the table and watch her as she darts her gaze from the stage to her hands. It looks like she’s talking to herself and I wonder if she’s saying anything else about me that I should know — I guess the bright side is that I know how she really feels about me and it’s better that I found out now than years down the road.


Look at me, I’m pathetic.

While the guy who got onto the speaker waits for everyone around us to take their seats, I try to use this moment as a way to sneak out, but his voice booms throughout the space again. My gaze catches onto him from my seat and I shake my head at his fake smile, not at all surprised by how much he’s hating this event. A rich guy like him doesn’t feel the need to help the sick or poor, he’s more worried about using his money on himself.

I’m willing to bet there’s not a single check written out from him that can go towards a charity.

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for taking the time to come out to such a special event. I’d also love to thank all of the wonderful staff who have taken care of you guys tonight, it wouldn’t be running as smoothly without them.” He glances at our table, winking at someone sitting around me, then clears his throat. “Speaking of things running smoothly, I’d love to invite one of my most promising employees up on the stage with me for a moment of appreciation.”

My gaze snaps to Sydney’s when she sucks in a breath, the sound conjuring an image of her making the same exact one as I sunk myself deep inside of her, then I quickly avert my eyes.

“Sydney Whitlock, will you please come up here with me?” the guy says, a hand sticking out as he keeps his gaze pinned to our table. I swear there’s a brief moment when he darts his gaze over to me and his lip twitches with a smile, but I ignore it and wait for Sydney to get up. “Don’t get shy now,” he grinds out when Sydney still doesn’t move.

She’s got this deer in headlights look in her eyes and her spine is stiffer than I’ve ever seen it before, her eyes only blinking once before staying wide open for a few more minutes. What the hell is her problem?

“Sydney?” I ask quietly, her attention being knocked back to the present.

“Since Sydney has a little stage fright, I’d like to take a moment to speak on the amazing work she’s currently doing for me that I can’t wait to dig into. Thanks to Sydney and her amazing work, I’m going to acquire a property that’s certain to bring in a generous income.”

My blood runs cold before he even mentions what property he’s talking about. Judging by the tremble of Sydney’s bottom lip, everything he just said has to do with me and my ranch. It feels like every piece of my heart is crashing to the floor, the sound of it echoing in my head but not catching the attention of the people surrounding me, and when the guy mentions my ranch, I sit frozen in place.

Now would be the best time to move and get away from Sydney before she can hurt me any further than she’s already done, but there’s something holding me back. She’s blinking away tears as if this is truly hurting her and there’s no stopping the chuckles that come out of my mouth — is she really going to act like these words mean anything to her?

It sickens me that I had planned on admitting my feelings to her over this weekend before asking her to come closer to the ranch, find a job out by Nathan and me, but thank goodness I never got that far. The guy standing on stage smiles brightly at Sydney before winking at me, then waving to the large crowd and stepping off the stage. He doesn’t even look in her direction as he struts through the space between tables, only nodding at the businessmen and women who move their mouths in greeting.
