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“Are we lost?” Sydney asks after thirty minutes of driving around, with not a damn clue where I’m going.

I shake my head and give her the best smile I can manage, even though my nerves are through the roof right now. “Of course, baby, we’ll be there soon.” I’m not sure how much time Nathan needs, but I’m starting to worry this plan is going to fall through and I don’t even know what the plan is in the first place.

A text message from Nathan lights up on the touch screen and Sydney gasps next to me. “Turn around and go back to the ranch, now.” I take a moment to look at the text, making sure to dart my eyes back and forth from the road to the screen, then I groan loudly.

This was his bright idea?

Sydney is fidgeting in her seat as I make a U-turn in the middle of the road, trying my best to act like this is an actual emergency like my son is making it seem. Why did he think telling me something is wrong with Tatum would be the best way to get us back to the house? He could’ve easily texted me and said that my wallet was on the counter, which would require me to turn around.

I swear I’m not sure who the hell raised him sometimes.

When we pull up to the house Sydney doesn’t even wait for the car to be at a complete stop before jumping out and heading straight for the house, but Nathan meets her on the front porch with a smile and points down at the barn. The lights are on, which is unusual since they usually stay off until the next wedding.

In the two years that we’ve been together, Sydney and I have added onto the stables to fit all the horses comfortably, then we rebuilt the barn and made it into a wedding venue. It took a lot of convincing, but she made her case and it’s turned into a pretty good investment.

She comes up to the driver’s side door and pulls it open with a frown. “Apparently we need to go to the barn.”

I hop out of the truck and thread my fingers through hers, leading her to the large white barn that I’ll never stop being in love with, and take a deep breath before pulling the doors open. A smile immediately takes over Sydney’s face as she looks around at the candles lit around the room, a table sitting front and center with a single rose sitting in a vase, and I nod in approval.

Maybe I doubted him too quickly, but this doesn’t look so bad for a romantic dinner — now I just need to hope the food tastes good enough. I walk over to the table and pull a chair out for Sydney with a smile, then walk around to my side. She’s staring at me curiously when I sit and asks, “What’s all this for?”

I shrug. “I’m not able to do something nice for you? You deserve it, baby.” And she does, even if two years ago I never thought I’d forgive her for the things she did. It didn’t take much for me to give in to her and we’ve been stronger ever since. My love for her has only grown with each and every day that passes, which is why it’s time for me to ask her now.

She smiles at my response, then turns her attention to Nathan as he walks inside carrying two plates. “For the lovebirds,” he says, winking at the two of us. “Enjoy.”

While Sydney and I enjoy our meal, which tastes amazing, I find that my nerves are slowly beginning to ease away. Each smile she sends my way only makes the moment tonight that much more right and I take a deep breath when Nathan walks in holding the dessert.

This is it.

I told him before that I wanted to do it right when the dessert was served, something cliche from romance movies that I thought Renee would appreciate. As much as I love Sydney, there’s still a part of me that will always have love for Renee, and it’s something that Sydney has gladly accepted — encouraged even.

While Sydney digs into the dessert on the table, I stand from my place at the table and run my hands down the suit before reaching into the inside pocket for the ring. She still hasn’t looked up from the dessert when I get down on my knee, which isn’t all that surprising, and I have to clear my throat to gain her attention.

This woman, I swear.

She blinks at me in confusion, then her eyes settle on the velvet box in my hand and she gasps. Nathan is holding Tatum on his hip while standing a few feet away, a big smile on his face while giving me a thumbs up, and I roll my eyes at him before giving Sydney my best smile.

“Sydney Whitlock, we may not have started out the way we hoped, but I’ll never regret those moments that made us the people we are tonight. I’ve watched you love my son as if he’s your own, only to give your love to me as well, and now you are loving a little girl who adores the shit out of you. I never told you this, but I had a dream not long after we mended things, and Renee was in it. She told me that everything was exactly as it should be and she placed a ring in my hand, and then I woke up.”

I open the box and let out a deep breath, blinking back the tears that are threatening to take over. “I never forgot what the ring looked like and knew this was what Renee had in mind for you, her way of coming to me and telling me it was all okay, that she approved of the love we have for one another.” Sydney gasps, tears falling down her face like a waterfall, as I slowly open the box. “There’s not another woman I want to give this ring to and I couldn’t imagine living the rest of this life without you by my side. Will you marry me?”

Sydney nods, her hand popping out immediately and I slip the ring onto her finger with a bright smile. A tear falls down my cheek and Sydney wipes it away. “Things always happen in the most unexpected ways, and I’ll never regret the way my trip turned out all those years ago. I gained a family I never knew I wanted or needed, and I’ll forever be grateful that you brought me into it. I love you, Brent, more than anything.”

A soft breeze flows through the room and I smile, knowing it’s Renee being here for this moment like I always knew she would be, then pull Sydney into the middle of the floor to spin her around.

The End.
