Page 11 of Rayze

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I opened my eyes, meeting the gaze of the man Rayze was using. "Yeah, it's just... I want you, Rayze. The real you. Not like this."

Rayze, through his borrowed form, looked conflicted, his borrowed brow furrowed. "I know. It's not ideal, but it's all I can do."

I bit my lip, the need in me growing stronger. "Is there somewhere private we can go? I don't want to bring you back to my place like this."

He nodded, a hint of excitement in his voice. "Follow me."

He led me through the club's gyrating bodies to a door marked 'Private.' Rayze fumbled with the keys, finally unlocking it to reveal Cassin's office. Luxurious, dimly lit, it felt like stepping into another world. I closed the door behind us, locking it, my heart hammering in my chest.

The moment the door clicked shut, our lips crashed together in a fierce, passionate kiss. It was rough, desperate, our hands exploring each other frantically. I could feel Rayze's urgency, his longing, and it mirrored my own.

"God, Rayze, I've wanted this," I gasped between kisses, my hands roaming over the body he'd borrowed, trying to imagine it was his.

"Me too," he groaned, his voice heavy with desire. "So fucking much."

Our tongues tangled, a dance as intense as the one we'd left behind on the dance floor. The smell of cologne and sweat mixed in the air, heightening the raw intensity of the moment. I tugged at his shirt, pulling it over his head, my fingers tracing the contours of a chest that wasn't truly his.

Rayze's hands were everywhere, exploring, claiming. It was surreal, feeling him yet not seeing him. "Rowan," he breathed into my neck, sending shivers down my spine. "You have no idea how long I've waited for this."

His touch sparked a fire in me, burning away any remaining doubts. "Then don't wait any longer," I whispered, pulling him closer.

We stumbled towards the desk, knocking over papers and trinkets. I didn't care. All that mattered was the here and now, the feel of Rayze with me. Our bodies moved together, a desperate rhythm driven by longing and the forbidden.

His hands found the hem of my shirt, pulling it off in one swift motion. Skin against skin, even if it wasn't truly his, felt electrifying. But…

As Rayze's hands moved with an undeniable urgency, a sudden realization hit me like a cold splash of water. The body he possessed, this guy, he couldn't consent to this. It was all kinds of wrong.

"Stop," I gasped, pulling away abruptly. "We can't do this."

Rayze, looking through the eyes of the man he'd borrowed, seemed to jolt back to reality. "Shit, you're right. I'm sorry, I didn't think—"

"It's okay, just... we need to fix this." I was panting, the rush of adrenaline and guilt mingling in a confusing haze.

Rayze nodded, a look of remorse on his face. He walked the man back out to the bar, gently steering his body onto a stool. Then, in a flash of otherworldly energy, he left the man, who slumped forward, resting his head on the bar, seemingly just another patron sleeping off a heavy night.

Rayze reappeared beside me, his ghostly form flickering in the dim light of the office. "Do you trust me?" he asked, his voice echoing in the quiet room.

I laughed, a nervous, shaky sound. "I barely know you."

"My question stands," he insisted, his spectral eyes searching mine.

I thought for a second, the weight of the night's events pressing down on me. "Yes. I do. I don't know why, but I do."

Rayze extended his hand, a ghostly outline against the dark backdrop of the office. "Take my hand."

"But I thought—" I started, confusion written all over my face.

"Just take it," he urged.

Hesitantly, I reached out, my fingers brushing against his ethereal form. A strange coldness enveloped my hand, spreading through my body. It was like being enveloped in a chill mist, both unsettling and exhilarating.

In seconds, Rayze's form dissipated, and the room fell silent. Then, in my head, I heard his voice, clear as day. "Tell me at any point if you want me to stop."

The sensation was indescribable. It was Rayze, but inside my mind, a presence that was both alien and intimately familiar. My body was still buzzing from the touch, every nerve ending alive with a ghostly energy.

I nodded, my eyes wide as I tried to wrap my head around what was happening. Rayze, a ghost, was somehow merging with me, sharing my senses, my space. It was terrifying and thrilling all at once.

"Can you feel that?" his voice whispered in my head, a soft caress against the backdrop of my thoughts.
