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When I did as she asked, I was surprised to see a diamond in the bottom corner and my pup-name engraved—Boone. “What? Mom!” I hugged her tightly.

“Oh. Yes. I thought you’d like this.”

“Yes. I love it. Thank you. But how did you know my name?”

“Quinn.” She winked at me. “Royce, baby. I only ever wanted you to be happy. I tried to protect you. Teach you what you needed to know. Maybe it wasn’t always the best way, but…”

“I’m happy. Healthy.” I spread my arms so she could look me over and see exactly what I’d been telling them for years. “You did your job.”

“Thank you. I love you, son.”

I hugged her again. Things were definitely changing in my life.

“Next time you come over, bring Quinn with you.”

That I would have to seriously think about. I’d love to show him off, but subjecting him to my father’s scrutiny? I didn’t know if I was ready for that. “Maybe.”

Quinn met me at the door with a kiss. A long, hot, passionate kiss.

“What was that for?” I asked. He pointed up at a spring of mistletoe hanging over the door. “You don’t need that to get a kiss from me, you know?”

“I know. But I like it anyway.”

I couldn’t stop the smile stretching my cheeks as it spread across my face. “I do too. Kiss me again.”

My sweet daddy made everything fun and festive, and I felt content. “Mmm…happy to.” His second kiss led to a grope.

“We better stop before we get carried away.”

“Why? I like getting carried away with you.”

“Uh, because I want prezzies, daddy. You promised we could open them on Christmas Eve when I got home.” I shoved at his chest playfully.

“Indeed, I did, my little pup. Come on, then. Let’s get them done so we can get back to getting carried away.”

I laughed and let him lead me by the hand into our living room. Our living room. That still hadn’t gotten old after nearly a year. I hoped it never would.

Quinn started in with presents under the tree while I bounced on the couch. We’d agreed to open them early so we could spend Christmas morning in bed, not worrying about it.

He handed me a small box and kept going as I started opening it. It was a leash made of very fine silver. It was shiny and delicate. “This is gorgeous.” I picked it up, and it weighed almost nothing. “I don’t want to break it.”

He sat on the coffee table in front of me. “You won’t. It’s durable, believe it or not. What’s this?” He waved a small box in front of me. It was the watch I’d bought him. I didn’t have it professionally wrapped, either. Nope.

“I wrapped it myself.” And it showed. It was not perfect with its bulging seams and the tape showing, and I probably used too much of it.

“I see. I love that. And I love you.”

“Then open it.”

He chuckled as he pulled the bow off and reached forward to stick it on my head, then ripped the paper open. The watch was a Holzkern with a very classic look. It was metal, but the face and a strip down the band were walnut. “This is nice.”

“Look.” I flipped the watch over so he could see the engraving.

He read, “Daddy, I love you. B.”

“For Boone.”

“I love it, babe.” He set it on the table beside him and reached for me. “Come here.”
