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Piercer glanced at his palm, his full attention focused on it.

My mind spinning, I looked to my own palm, remembering what Rosa did to it.

My eyes raced back to the screen. “He’s gifting powers.”

His eyes grew hazy. “Yes.” Then, as if just noticing me in the room, he blinked. “Uh… I have to take a shit.” Rushing from the table, he took off for his bathroom.

I winced. “Now? We kind of have ‘shit’ going down—”

The bathroom door closed.

Frustrated at his ill timing, I went back to focusing on the screen. The light show now over, raw emotion covered Rosa’s face. Then, as clear as could be, her lips read, “Did it work?”

“Did what work?” I asked as if the angel and God could hear me.

When angel-dick nodded, Rosa pulled him to her and—

“She kissed him!” I saw red. “Fucking. Dead!”

Piercer grumbled and moaned from the toilet. I presumed he was again complaining about my ‘overused’ threats.

“You know what?” I charged to his bathroom. “Maybe I shouldn’t have killed Hoss to give you his job!”

Piercer was our sergeant at arms because Hoss had an ‘accident.’

I swung the bathroom door open to see Piercer pulling up his pants. To be expected after a dump, however, there was nothing in his toilet. Nor was he near it. And there was semen on the bottom of his dark shower.

Flabbergasted, I yelled, “I’ve got major shit going down, and you think it’s time to whack off?”

He buttoned his jeans. “Easy, big brother. You can keep bitching about your demon.”

Thinking of what was in the shower I growled, “You jealous fucker. You wish Rosa was yours.”

He huffed. “According to her kissing angel-boy, she’s not even yours anymore.”

I punched my brother in the mouth.

He fell backward into his shower, ripping the curtain from the rod.

Holding his jaw, Piercer stayed against the wall, looking like he was trying to understand what had just happened.

All I could do was grin, because he now had sperm on the bottom of his boot.

I waited until clarity hit him.

When it did, his eyes shifted into rage. “You demon-fucking piece of shit!”

Squatting, I beckoned him. “Ready to take on your VP?”

He was going to have to fight me for Rosa—even though I didn’t want her.

As my brother plowed into me, I smiled even bigger, welcoming my brother’s attack. Exhausted over ‘not wanting Rosa,’ I needed a release of my own. I needed to unleash so I could breathe freely again.

He was about to experience my pent-up rage, but then his front door burst open, interrupting me.


Weatherman kicked at us at his feet. “You fucking twats! Save it for the real fight! It’s time.”

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