Page 82 of Titus

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He looked up, thinking. “Neither, I think. I love the cities in the south, the beaches and villas in the west.”

“Oh, do you travel a lot?”

“Only when I can. My sister always seems to come up with some occupation or another for me. But when I can, yes, I like to get away.”

I tried to imagine what his days consisted of. What did a prince do all day? His siblings occupied themselves in leading people, both in different ways, of course, but were leaders in their own right, nonetheless. It seemed like Lysander had more in common with me than I thought. Both of us simply wanting to etch out a piece of life just for us. A lover of adventure, not that I had ever ventured past my home before the Fealty. But I could imagine both of us, married, traveling around Titus.

“There’s an old custom,” he said, looking at me intently, “that the royals of the Ongahri started long ago, where the husband and wife leave their home after their nuptials, travel somewhere special to celebrate. It’s still done today, among some who can afford to.” He eyed me, gauging my interest.

I nodded, waiting to see where he was going.

“If you’re interested in something like that, I can make it happen.”

“You mean, arrange for us to travel after the ceremony?” I asked.

“Yes. I’m sure I could talk Mari into letting me take an absence from court. Could be a wedding gift.”

I thought it over, and the idea excited me. Time alone with him, just the two of us, sounded smart. It would give us time to get to know each other, no distractions.

I smiled. “I’d like that, yes.”

He opened his mouth to say something more, then shut it. I saw his cheeks flush before he turned his head.

I reached out and found his hand, holding it in mine. “Hey. I know this is awkward, both of us strangers and forced into a dance where the music has been chosen for us, where the clothes and scenery have been arranged without our choice in the matter.”

He looked back at me, his honey eyes pensive.

“But,” I said, squeezing his hand, “that doesn’t mean from here on out you and I can’t make the rules.”

The look on his face was both relief and doubt. “I must admit, your courage is astounding. Especially in light of my abominable behavior. I honestly think you’re remarkable. How did you come to be so wise?” He smiled, and I found it sincere.

“Wise?” I laughed. “Not at all. I just believe that life is what you make of it.” I smiled but got to the point of the matter. “I have no idea what your relationship is like with your siblings, but I sense the tension there. I want you to know that, as we go forward, you can rely on me to confide in, Lysander. I want this to work. Us to work. We’ll be in this union for a long time. Let’s give ourselves the benefit of the doubt, all right?”

He closed his eyes and sighed. “I don’t know what to say. Except that I feel like the curtain’s been raised and I’m not the chivalrous man who should be wooing a beautiful woman.”

“Oh, your chivalry is unmatched so far, my lord. Well, maybe not like Jon’s,” I said on a laugh.

“Ha. Well, that old buck could charm the skirts off any woman.” His eyes widened. “Begging your pardon, my lady!”

I tsked and waved a hand at him, laughing. “No, I agree!”

He looked relieved. “It’s that long hair of his, I think.” He sipped his wine and winked at me.

I laughed. “I believe you’re right.”

“I heard he was on the mend finally.”

“Yes. In fact, I visited with him this morning, with Fadon.” Sobering, I sighed. “His leg… gods.”

His voice softened as he said, “I heard about that. I’m so sorry about what you went through. And Fadon’s men. I honestly regret my not being there. I should have gone. And if I could go back in time, I’d change things in a heartbeat.”

I released his hand. “I know. Both of us seem to have many regrets. I admit, all of this has staggered me. So many things happened at once.”

“For what it’s worth, my lady. I’m glad you are here.” He reached over and cupped my cheek. I realized my eyes were wet. He wiped a tear that had started to fall. “Things will get better.”

I pressed my hand against his. “I know. And I’m glad I’m here with you, too. I think we can make this work, you and I.”

“Just be ourselves?” he asked.

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