Page 83 of Titus

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I nodded. “Just be ourselves.

Chapter 34


Fadon stood in the training yard, studying his men as they partnered up for their drills. Since Jon’s absence from his position as Second, Fadon had assigned the temporary role to Brin, who had been in charge since the envoy had left for Providence. He was pleased at how well Brin had maintained the ranks and said so now.

“Thank you, Captain,” Brin said.

Grunts and the clanging of swords filled the yard as Fadon turned to Brin. “And that assessment I asked for before I left?”

“Completed. Five guards from the Aires came in a few days ago with the convoy. They are interested in joining up. I wanted your thoughts on that before I signed them on.”

Fado nodded. “Good.” He glanced up, checking the sun’s position. “After lunch break, meet me in the barracks.”

“Will do, Captain.”

Fadon turned back to the warriors. With the loss of five of his best men, he had to find replacements. He had been in charge of House Trajan’s army since the age of twenty-five, eighty-four years ago. Lysander had been two-years of age, Mari only a mother’s wish. Fadon had lost a few men over that period of time, but nothing at all like the men in the envoy, and not all at once.

“Switch defense, position two!” Brin called out to the men.

The battles Fadon had led were with other factions of Ongahri, a small involvement in the Clan Wars, and a few skirmishes with the self-titled House Dega, who since his father’s rule, still refused to merge with their rightful ruler, Queen Alpha Mari Trajan, instead declaring their own king, regardless if Lucius used that term or not. It was all semantics to Fadon. Whether Chieftain or King, the title mattered not. The leader of the Dega tribe was, in the end, a leader, with no loyalty to their queen.

It was a sore subject with Fadon. He didn’t like Lucius or his House, and he knew the feeling was mutual. If it were up to him, he’d just cut them off completely. But his sister was determined to bridge the gap at best, Lucius Dega’s people at worst.

Aside from the task of changing up the ranks, Fadon was glad to be off the road. He remembered how restless he had felt before he’d left for Providence. How mundane and banal everything had seemed, wishing he’d had a mission that would take him away from the Mor for a few days. Oh, how he’d gotten his wish, he thought dryly.

“Switch offense, solo, position three!” Brin ordered, and the men changed their form to a more aggressive flow.

“I see Phip and Brutus have improved,” Fadon said, eyeing two Ongahri soldiers toward the back. “Good work. Keep it up, Brin.”

“Thank you, Captain. They have been working hard.”

“Captain, a word, sir?”

Fadon turned and saw Uriel, his sister’s head guard standing a few feet away.

“Switch combat, dual, position four!” Brin chanted.

“Excuse me, Brin,” Fadon said as he met the queen’s man. “Uriel?”

“A message from the queen.” He handed Fadon a folded note.

He read its contents and nodded. “I’ll be there shortly.” It was a summons, and one that Fadon found curious. “Brin, duty calls. I’ll see you after lunch.”

“Yes, Captain.” Brin nodded, his eyes on the men. “Dual defense, position five!”

Fadon left the yard and was about to head toward the manse proper when two outside guards approached.

“Report,” Fadon commanded.

“Captain, that troop we spied this morning.”


“It is not from the Aires. A herald has since been raised. Red and black. They are still too far to make out its symbol, sir.”

For fuck’s sake, Fadon cursed in his head. “And I take it the queen has been told.”
