Page 2 of Lean on Me

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Yep, he was a total catch. It was a wonder he didn’t have guys beating down his door.

“Go,” he insisted when Melissa continued to stare at him. “I’m fine. Maybe I’ll go chat up the bouncer.”

Melissa gave him a pinched look that said she didn’t believe him for a second, but she didn’t argue. With a flutter of her fingers, she pulled her shoulders back, pasted on a million-watt smile, and strutted toward a group of strangers loitering near the crescent-shaped bar.

Settling deeper into the cushions of the sofa, Kai crossed one leg over the other, tugging his pant leg down when it rode up his ankle. Damn, he really needed that drink.

As if conjured by thought alone, a pretty woman in a sleek, blue dress appeared next to his arm. “Welcome to Sintury. Can I get you something from the bar?”

“Vodka sour, please.”

“You got it. Drinks and appetizers are on the house for VIP guests until midnight.” She pointed to the long table next to the bar laden with everything from pretzel sticks to chicken wings. “Can I get you anything else?”

Kai smiled politely but waved his hand at the server. “Nothing, thank you. Just the vodka sour.”

“No problem. I’m Jessica, so just give a yell if you change your mind.” With a cheery smile, she turned and flounced away, her dark ponytail swishing with every step.

The server hadn’t been gone more than a few seconds when a young man strutted over to him and dropped onto the other end of the sofa. “Is this seat taken?”

An affirmative answer played on the tip of his tongue, but Kai bit it back and grinned. Everything about the kid radiated confidence, but he was too eager to have much experience with dating.

Still, he had made his sister a promise.

“Not at the moment.”

“Are you here alone, then?” Leaning forward, the newcomer rested his elbows on his knees, letting his hand dangle between his legs. “I didn’t see you with anyone.”

“I’m not alone.” Already, he regretted his momentary lapse in judgment.

Tilting his head slightly, he studied his companion while he searched for something more to say. He had nice eyes, a decent smile, and curly blond locks that framed his face like an angel’s halo. His flawless skin had a dewy glow, and his face still held the slight roundness of youth.

“How old are you?” he blurted.

“Twenty-three.” The fucking infant held his hand out toward him. “I’m Daniel, by the way.”

Sighing, Kai grasped it briefly, vaguely noticing the manicured nails and baby-soft skin. “Kai, and no offense, but I’m too old for you.”

“Too old? Come on, you can’t be more than a couple of years older than me.”

His vanity appreciated the compliment, but he saw right through those baby blue eyes and dimpled cheeks. “Trust me, kid, you wouldn’t know what to do with this.”

“I’m a quick study. Maybe I’ll surprise you.”

“I’m thirty-five,” he said in challenge. “Still think you can handle it?”

“Beautiful, you don’t look a day over twenty-five.” Taking his hand again, he slid closer. “Tell me what I have to do to convince you to dance with me.”

“Maybe some other time.”

“One dance,” Daniel insisted. “If you still feel that way, I promise I won’t bother you anymore.”

Thankfully, the server arrived with his drink, giving him an excuse to take a moment before answering. Accepting the sweating rock glass, he thanked her and assured her that he still wasn’t interested in food. Left alone with Daniel again, he still hesitated, taking a long swallow of the cocktail before finally looking at him.

“You seem like a nice guy, but I’m not interested. Sorry.” He wasn’t sorry, but it felt like an appropriate thing to say.

Daniel clearly detected the finality in his voice because his charming façade cracked, and his eyes tightened at the corners. “Fine,” he bit out. “Can’t blame a guy for trying.”

“Nice meeting you.”

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