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It was Kael’s turn to reassure the King.

“I assure you, Aric likely had multiple pupils surrounding you to guide your eyes in the direction he wanted you to look.”

The King reluctantly agreed, then left the sorting of the capture to Kael. He was in his element, contacting officials he knew would never turn their loyalties for the sake of coin while shaking down others who felt neutral. All he really needed was himself, but he still required a basic knowledge of how many Drakonians Aric had gotten to.

He then spread the word. He did so through his communicator, engaging with blabbermouths in a calculated manner so the word would land on Aric’s doorstep sooner rather than later. The gossip pool in the Drakonian army was small but scattered quickly.

A hearing was set up for council members to look over the document a few days later. The King would be present, as would the council members whom they both strictly trusted.

Light filtered through the chambers, splitting as it cut through stained glass portions that sat high above the King’s head. The room was filled, and Drakonians chattered away.

Kael was in his usual spot. He had his eyes peeled, waiting for the moment Aric would not only reveal himself literally but metaphorically as well.

“Order!” A councilman slammed his gavel. “Let this hearing commence.”

King Cosmos and Kael exchanged a look, both of their golden eyes flickering with doubt as to whether their cunning plan had worked or not. But as the room died down, the double doors flew open with an invasive slam.

“Don’t start without me!” Aric bellowed with a grin … a flair for the dramatic and an inescapable ego. It was what Kael had been counting on with the son of a bitch. It was what would blind him and, ultimately, lead him to his demise.

Kael smirked, drumming his fingers against the desk. Aric approached him the way he always did with that smug, hideous grin on his face. He was wearing his best velvet robes on that day. Kael thought it was poetic.

“Well, someone is looking well-dressed today,” Kael said, expression unmoving and flat.

Aric cackled. The man loved to interrupt a good hearing.

“Why, thank you, good Captain! I never thought I would hear such a compliment coming from the likes of you …”

“What’s the occasion?”

The room fell silent. The King stood from his throne, fists clenched. Aric spun around, the booming sound of their leader’s voice having shaken the brat to the core.

“Occasion?” Aric said, adjusting his robes and attempting to gather himself. “Well, any day I get to see my councilmen …”

It was clear that neither the King nor Kael could take any more of his loquacious bullshit. Kael reached out from behind, taking Aric by the shoulder, and attempted to pull him into a headlock. He hissed into his ear, adoring the way his heart thumped through his expensive attire.

“We’re here for you, you fucking traitor.”

The Captain’s anger may have gotten the best of him at that moment because he didn’t realize that Aric had reached behind his back and gripped a gun that was tucked into a hidden alcove of his specialty robes.

He managed to catch Kael’s nose with a pointed elbow, briefly rendering his vision a hot, searing white.

“Seize him!”

Kael felt the warmth of the blood pouring down his nose as he vaulted forward. The King’s guard went after the bastard as he barged through the double doors, sprinting through the hallway with his long, young, and agile legs. Kael pursued, pushing past his men.

“Stop! Stop now, Aric!” Kael bellowed.

They had made it outside, but there was no way Aric would get away without a confrontation. He knew it as well as Kael did, stopping, skidding on his feet, and pointing the weapon directly at the Captain.

Kael slid, nearly stumbling forward. He held his arms in the air, huffing and puffing.

“Aric, listen to me,” he spoke low, trying to reason with the boy. “If you surrender now, your sentence will be lenient. It will be taken into account. The evidence is overwhelming. I know what you did, the organization …”

“Shut the fuck up!” His eyes were popping out of his skull like amber marbles.

“I am the rightful Captain! You are old! You are done!” he shrieked.

Kael thought he looked more like a maniac than ever. The disguise had fallen during a moment he had least expected it, and he would burn the planet to the ground for it.
