Page 6 of The Hidden Hunter

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Everything except Kevin's health and well-being became secondary in Archer's world; nothing even compared. This man was his beloved, his perfect match, his forever lover and partner. He would forever treat him like the precious gift that he was.

Kevin gripped Archer's leg and held on. Archer looked down at the upturned face filled with concern. "It's okay. These are DuCane people. They're here to help, and hopefully, they captured the one that got away." Kevin was listening, but he didn't release Archer's leg. After a few seconds, Archer couched down and cupped the side of Kevin's face, looking him squarely in the eyes.

"I'm afraid to let you go," Kevin said in a frightened tone, and it touched Archer deeply.

"I'm here to protect you, and I am very good at my job." Archer gave him his best trust-me face, and he got a soft, tentative smile in return. "When you're with me, Kevin, you never have to worry." He added and stood, taking Kevin to his feet as well. He held Kevin's arm and kept him slightly behind him just in case. He was confident that all was clear, but he would never take chances with his beloved.

"Archer." The brief announcement came, followed by a quick knock.

“All clear?”

"All clear." He recognized Dallas's no-nonsense tone of voice and headed for the door.

"Are you sure?" Came the hesitant voice of his beloved, who was still holding him fast and not moving forward as he should.

"I'm sure." He put his arm around Kevin, who fit perfectly against the side of his body, and began walking toward the door. He opened the door and saw Dallas and his team working the area and cleaning away all evidence of them and the shooters. He stepped out onto the newly made porch and brought Kevin with him. Once Kevin saw what was taking place, he seemed to relax both physically and mentally.

Dallas approached after giving his men further instructions for cleanup. "Silas wants you both at the Coven, either the Palace or take one of the Garden Houses. He wants you under Coven protection until they discover who hired the hit men." Dallas spoke to Kevin, who kept his head up and met him eye to eye. Archer was impressed with his man, who, a moment ago, was afraid to leave the cabin.

"We'll stay in one of the Garden Houses." Archer made the decision based on the fact that Kevin was human and that Kevin was his beloved, and he wanted to get to know him or rather have Kevin get to know him in a cozy atmosphere.

"The one near the flowerbed garden is available," Dallas informed.

"We're heading there now," Archer stated and then turned to Kevin. "Grab whatever you want to take with you." Kevin bent and picked up Johnny Orlando from where he stood at Kevin's feet and bundled him up in his arms.

"This is all I need." He said and once again took his place next to Archer, pressing as close as possible without looking awkward. Archer easily accommodated by tucking him under his arm once again.

"Very well then," Dallas commented, then continued with the explanation of his plans. "We'll clean the area and secure the cabin. I'll leave two of my team to surveil the area, one inside the cabin and one on the grounds in the event that they send another assassin."

"Let me know if anyone shows up," Archer spoke up as they descended the porch stairs.

"I will, and good luck Archer." He said and then turned back to his men and the job at hand.

"I have a vehicle hidden about a mile to the east. We'll use that since your Jeep will need to stay at the cabin for authenticity." Kevin nodded and fell into step beside him with Johnny still in his arms. Johnny probably would have preferred going on his own, but he wasn't going to deny Kevin the need to hold him. Johnny, for being just an old stray, was a very good cat for Kevin.


Kevin tried to stay strong, but his nerves were becoming frayed, and as much as he resisted, his emotions were overwhelming. If it was just this and not everything that came before, he might be able to weather this upset, but on top of the previous torment and loss, this was just too much. Who would hire someone to kill him? It was absurd to even think that he wasn't important anymore, and no one cared enough to put in such cost and effort?

Staying close to Archer was not a hardship in the least. Kevin liked the feel of the man standing near him and loved the sense of power and security he exuded. He led him through the woods to a Range Rover hidden among a stand of Pines. Archer helped him get seated with Johnny on his lap and then took the seat behind the wheel.

"Don't worry, baby." Archer made the statement and then pulled the vehicle out of the hiding place and made for the county road that would take them to DuCane's property. Kevin had never ventured in that direction, not wanting to irritate someone with the power and influence of Louis DuCane, but he knew where DuCane land was located, and they were headed in that direction.

The fact that Archer called him baby did not escape him, and he found it endearing. It wasn't clear what it meant, if anything, but he liked it and hoped to hear it again. It made him feel even more connected to this man that he knew very little about. He wanted to know more. He wanted to keep this man in his circle even after the situation was resolved. Archer was impressive, and if nothing else, he wanted to keep him as a friend.

He was moved by the beauty that struck him when he first saw the garden from the edge of the woods. There was a stretch of tended lawn that covered probably a half mile, and then the garden began, and it was picturesque. Kevin couldn't even imagine the number of gardeners and groundskeepers it would take to maintain such a complicated landscape. "This is very beautiful." He had to say something about the stunning grounds. He couldn't let it go without comment.

"The Master likes his comforts, and it was the gardens of Versailles that inspired him," Archer responded casually and then pointed down the lane to a large cottage-style home off to their right. It was nestled in the garden in such a way that it became part of it. "We will be staying in the flowerbed cottage. It's named for the garden it inhabits."

"Lovely, just lovely and great construction and such an old-world design."

"You'll be safe here," Archer stated as they came to a stop on the left of the cottage just off the driveway. It was near to the side door, and Kevin assumed it was for easy entrance and exit.

Kevin opened the door of the Land Rover and let Johnny jump down to the ground. He instantly began investigating the area and was soon off on his own. He wanted the cat to feel free and not suffocated by Kevin's needs. Johnny would be there for him if he needed him, but they could also lead their own lives; it was the perfect friendship.

The thought of friendship brought to mind his previous consideration, and after thinking about it, he realized that he could not be Archer's friend. He had a growing, deep-seated desire for the man that would never be satisfied with a mere friendship.

Kevin, in his search to think of something other than the fact someone wanted him dead, came to the conclusion that he had to have Archer completely or not at all. For all he knew, the man was probably married or in a serious relationship, and Kevin was just daydreaming, but again, he didn't care.
