Page 186 of Hearing her Cries

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The house—thehouse was going to be engulfed soon. It was just so big, the flames hadn't gotten to where Bonnie was yet.

Help was coming. Sheriff Lake had said help was coming. She was going to make sure they came to the right place.

She had just made it to the door when a shape came right at her. Knocked her off her feet again. She barely caught herself in time.

Bonnie looked up. Into intense blue eyes and the face of the redheaded man who had shot Sheriff Lake.

She’d thought he’d be unconscious for a long time.

"Where is she?" he demanded, listing to one side. His hand was on his forehead. There was blood there. She…might be able to fight him.

Bonnie was going totry.This monster was never touching her baby.

"Who?" She knew. She knew exactly who the monster meant.

"I know she got outside! Where is she? Where is Crispin Maria, you evil bitch!"

He had no right to even say her baby’sname."Far away from you!"

Bonnie reached out with her knee and shoved it into the man's stomach as hard as she could. She stumbled away, tripping on the garden tools by the back door.

He grabbed her ankle, pulled her across the concrete floor. Bonnie’s hands tried to grab something, anything. But it was a concrete floor. All it did was rip her hands to pieces.

Her good hand wrapped around a handle. Something.

She yanked. A hand shovel pulled free of the pile. Bonnie slammed it into the side of the man's head as hard as she could.

It wasn't in time to avoid the fist coming right at her face.

The blow connected. She fell, landing on her broken wrist. Fiery pain shot through her arm again.

She didn’t care.

She would fight him until she died, if it meant protecting her baby girl.

"Where is she? You stole my angel from me! Where is she?" His hands wrapped around her neck. Just like Dr. Eastman’s had before.

Bonnie used the last of her strength to kick him as hard as she could. Maybe it was the angels of her mother or her Angela, or her father and stepmother, Bonnie didn't know, all she knew was she felt stronger in that moment than sheeverhad before—

He wasn't getting Crispin.

Her knee connected. Right with his penis.

For her baby.

This monster wouldneverput his hands on her daughter again.

He fell to the side. She rolled, tried to crawl away. And just kept going. And going. One inch at a time.

The man's weeping rage mingled with the sounds of sirens getting closer.

Sirens. Sirens!

Sirens meanthelp.

She was going to get away. Get people in here to find her baby. To find Sheriff Lake’s girlfriend.
