Page 113 of Ruthless Rebel

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She would have always been with me.

I hold her while she cries herself to sleep. It’s only once she’s asleep that the answer of what I need to do comes to me.

This Sasha didn’t just send her a message, the message was for me too.

He basically said he was going to take my wife away from me.

That is a declaration of war. A challenge that I will accept. Nobody threatens me or what’s mine and gets away with it. Nobody.

So I’ll do exactly what I do when shit like this happens. Face the problem.

On this occasion I need my wingman. The guy I’ve been purposely leaving out this whole time because I knew he’d be able to see through my web of lies and deceit.

I need Knight.

He’s the only one I’d trust at this moment to balance me.

I call him at first light.

“Hey everything okay?” he asks sounding unsurprisingly worried. I can’t remember the last time I called him this early in the morning.

“I need you to go to Russia with me.”


This is what I love about Knight. He doesn’t waste time asking questions. He’ll already know that we’d only be going to Russia for something important.


* * *

We arrive at Lefortovo Prison at seven in the morning the next day. The time differences between our countries screwed with me.

I wanted to rip through the fabric of time as get here as quickly as possibly but we got here as quickly as we could. I also had to pull a few strings by calling in a favors with off-the-grid friends who could arrange this visit for us.

No matter who you are Lefortovo Prison is not the kind of place where you can just make demands, but people all over the world respond to power.

River told me Sasha has hisdangerousmafia connections.

Well I have mine too.

Whoever he knows, and no matter how dangerous they are, I’m sure I know just as many people who are the same if not worse. That was essentially how I made this little arrangement today.

River knows I’m here but I didn’t make her aware of what I was doing until I was enroute to Russia. I didn’t want her to freak out. Honestly I wasn’t going to tell her but I felt I should to give her strength. Sometimes just knowing you have someone fighting for you helps. It might not solve everything, but it does something.

Knight and I follow the prison guard down a long hallway. I explained the situation to Knight when we met up yesterday to travel. I told him about Sasha, but I never told him about River’s part in putting him behind bars. That’s not for me to tell.

However, while telling him about Sasha I knew Knight could sense there was more to my story. So much more.

I’m like an incomplete puzzle and people are beginning to see all the places where the missing pieces should be.

We round a corner and approach a metal door which the guard opens. It leads into the visitation room for closed visits, so we’ll be separated by glass.

I can see it now and I see him—Sasha.

The asshole knows I’m coming to see him, but I’d be willing to bet my entire fortune that he never expected me to ride out to the battlefield to meet him face to face.

Sasha is the same age as me but the scars on the side of his face and his full beard makes him appear older.
