Page 102 of My Desire (Mi Deseo)

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“I know,mijita. I know.”

I take a deep breath and focus on something that doesn’t make me cringe at my mother’s cold voice. “Me and Vicente are twins?”

I feel her hand smooth down my head, and it takes everything in me not to jump at her touch. No, I don't blame my mother for her actions, nor do I hate her or find her evil, but I can admit I find her terrifying at the moment.

“Yes, you are, but I had to change that. I couldn’t risk someone finding out I was alive and find you both. It’s how I met Victor. He helped me create your birth certificates and altered the years. He’s the only one who knows the truth. We married out of convenience. He needed a wife to appease his father and take over the family business, and I needed citizenship and a home for my babies. Our love came much, much later in life.”

When she goes quiet, I watch her from the corner of my eyes, seeing her hands tremble and her lips move in silent words, nodding to herself as though she’s speaking to someone unseen.

I swallow thickly. “Mom, have you taken your medicine?”

“Medicine?” she asks, confused.

Fucking hell.

My head begins to pound as I stare at the floor, my mom’s story making my head a loud and painful place. I sit up and look at her, seeing her with new eyes and a torn heart.

“Mom, I’m sorry for every fucked up thing that happened to you here, but it begs the question, what are you doing here now? Marío is in Acapulco.Vicenteis in Acapulco.”

“Her men are too,” Darío says helpfully from the doorway like a fucking asshole.

But I don’t let him see that his big mouth pissed me off. I nod instead and continue facing my mom.

“Yes, mymen. Don Romero Herrera and the son of the Banderas Don, Alvaro. He was the one who was with Don Banderas at the restaurant.”

My mom shakes her head, her brows furrowed,]. “Men? As in two? As in more than one?”

“Thatisthe distinction between the E and A,” Darío mumbles, but we ignore him.

“They are rival cartels, no? Are they aware you are with them both?”

“Oh yeah,” Darío scoffs from the door once more, “they’rerealcozy about it.”

“Vete ya!” I yell at him, my anger showing which only makes him smile.

“No.” He grins wickedly like he loves the challenge in my eyes.

“Darío,” my mother says, her eyes still on me, “I will need to speak with your father. It seems things have changed.”

He gestures to the hall, but I grab my mother’s hand, stopping her. “What things,Mama?”

She cups my face, her eyes kind, but her words sound as ominous as the creaking of a coffin being opened after years of being buried. “Don’t worry, Alma, I’ll make you safe and you’ll never have to see this place ever again.”

“Alma? Mom, it’s me, Vicenta!” She pats my head, shushing me. “No,Mami, you don’t understand, I love them!”

She shakes her head sadly. “José has brainwashed you again. I will fix it.”

She walks out and I run after her, but Darío stops me, forcing me into the room as I scream for my mother. He holds my arms tightly as I squirm to get free, but it’s his words that make me still.

“Your mom is a bit crazy, no?”

“She needs her medicine, Darío. She’s unwell. She’sconfused.”

“What medicine does she take?”

I shake my head, trying to remember, but my brother and I were never told what was wrong with my mom so I have no clue…except for one.

“Get her a Valium! Please.”

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