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“Jefe,” I growl, taking a sharp turn, the back of the car fishtailing before I can get it straight again.

“Where the fuck did she go, Alvaro?”

“She’s headed toward Herrera territory,” I answer, doing my best to keep my temper in check. I want to murder him, rip his heart from his body, but I can’t. He is the Don and he is also my father, the only parent I have left.

I hear something crash in the background and the surprised yelp of Katalina as my father barks into the phone. “You better stop her!”

I don’t answer that. What a dumb question to ask. If I could, I’d tell him,Well, shit, maybe because she doesn’t want to marry an old fuck?But I can't do that either.

He breathes hard down the phone, his rage in full force as he speaks through gritted teeth, “Get her back here before I start a fucking war.”

“Bastardo.” I say after I hang up.

I chase her through the streets, weaving in and out of traffic and almost causing people to wreck as they avoid hitting me. Still, I’m too far behind my littleBrujaand the closer we get to the border, the further away she feels. I press on my horn, begging her to stop and hear me out.

Just as she crosses the border, I see two motorcycles coming toward her.

“No!” I shout, reaching for my gun when they pass her and slide their bikes to a stop in front of me, both of them pointing guns in my direction. I slam on the brakes, my car sliding at an angle as Vicenta disappears from sight.

I jump out of the car, my gun in my hand, but Romero Herrera removes his helmet.

“No hay paso,Banderas.”A smile spreads across his face.“Ella está en mi tierra.”

I stare at him, fury burning through me. “This may be your land, but she’smine. Don’t forget, I have yourputasister in my territory.”

He laughs, his arms spreading wide. “I don’t give a fuck about Katalina. Do whatever you want with her.”

His bluff makes me smile, my evil intentions clear in the gleam of my eye. “If you touch Vicenta, I will show all of Acapulco how weak the Herrera king is by hanging his sister’s dead body over this spot here.”

I point to the ground at my feet with my gun.

He loses his cocky smile, fury twitching in his brows. “Vete a la mierda!Get the fuck out of here now, Alvaro, before I make an example of you and take your precious bitch for myself.”

I step forward at his threat, his guard revving the motor of his bike in warning. I hear the clicking of cameras and see people taking pictures, some of them with reporter badges hanging around their necks.

I tuck my gun in the waistband of my pants, lifting my chin as I adjust my suit.

“La Roqueta,” I say, demanding we meet in neutral territory.

“One week,” he agrees, before he too tucks his gun away. “And do not touch my sister or your bitch dies.”

As he pulls on his helmet, I slide back into my car, hitting the gas and making a U-turn back to the mansion. If I have to kill my father to get Vicenta out of this, I will, and I’ll rule under my own fucking authority. If I have to kill the Herrera king, I’ll do it with a fucking smile. No one will have Vicenta but me. I meant what I said when I told her she belonged to me andonlyme.

My phone rings and the name on the screen sends a jolt through me until I see the E on the end of it.

“Bueno?” I say roughly.

Vicente doesn’t reply, probably thinking he fucked up by calling. A thought flashes in my head, a plan to getBrujaback forming in my mind, but I know she will hate me when she finds out. I don’t care. I’ll get her to fall back into my arms eventually, I just need to get her to come home first, and her brother is going to help me do it.

“She’s not here, Vicente,” I tell him. “She ran away and I need your help to get her back.”

I hear a scoff. “I’m not helping you do shit. If she ran from you then I’ll be waiting for her to get here.”

My hands squeeze around the steering wheel as I try to breathe through my anger.

“She’s in danger,pendejo.”

“What do you mean,culero?” he asks, his own anger making him speak through gritted teeth as he volleys an insult right back at me.
