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I pull into the underground garage of my building and toss the keys to the valet stationed at the entrance. When my guards pull in behind me, I hold up my hand, keeping them from exiting their SUV.

Javier, my trusted guard, climbs off his bike as he removes his helmet and steps to my side. “Jefe?”

“Take the SUV and find the girl, but do not engage with her. The minute you see her, call me with the location.”

“Si, Jefe.” He nods and takes off once more.

My phone rings in my pocket as I enter the elevator and I smile before I even see who it is; I know it’ll be Marío.

I pull it free and see that I’m right. “Don Banderas.”

“I’m sure you’ve heard by now that there’s been some disturbance.”

I scoff to myself; of course he would make it sound like something so inconsequential. I can’t disguise the drug-like high from my voice as I listen to theoh-so-greatMarío Banderas struggle with one little slip of a woman. “Bydisturbance,do you mean that pretty American woman running to my territory and away from your old ass? With all due disrespect,SeñorBanderas, but does your cock even work still?”

He growls. “You listen to me—”

“Mira, pinche viejo!I’m not your son, so I don’t fucking answer to you. You are the one who called me, so you better speak to me correctly.”

Marío’s breathing is rough and I can’t help but hope the motherfucker has a massive heart attack right now so I can listen to his slow painful death.

“If you touch her, Romero Herrera, your sister will face the worst kind of retaliation I’m capable of.”

“My sister is far more capable than all of your men put together. I'd like to see you try to retaliate with her as your leverage. Besides," I hum under my breath, "I know all about your type of retaliation. After all, didn't you kill your son's mother?"

The line goes silent and I can picture the ashen look on his face. “Ah, yes, I see you had no idea I knew this.Perdonamé, I sometimes forget how very fucking little you know about me, Marío.”

I sigh as the elevator stops on my floor, opening to reveal my penthouse apartment.

“But now that you understand what secrets I hold, I suggest you let Katalina leave in peace because if you so much as hurt a hair on my sister’s head, your fiancé breaking up your empire will be the least of your worries.”

I let my hard voice turn cheerful once more. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go find this little she-devil that turned your world upside down.”

Hanging up on him, I turn towards my bedroom where my laptop waits for me. Let’s find out what it is about this girl that has the Banderas men tied up in knots.

With Alvaro’s weakness in my territory and Marío’s secrets in my pocket, it looks like I can kill two Banderas men with one stone.

Soon, all of Acapulco will be mine.

Typing in Vicenta’s name and familial information, I find her easily with a simple Google search. It looks as though the girl is a champion diver with a clean daughter appearance, but after meeting her myself under the guise of being hermaid,as she put it—I smile at the memory—I know there’s something more than meets the eye. After all, it would take much more than a pretty face and sassy mouth to get stoic Alvaro to crack.

I click onto her social media account, finding that it’s as boring as a college website. I stifle a yawn; is this really all there is to her? No, it honestly can’t be.

Looking through her tagged images, I find her friends, who look much more on par with what I imagine American college students to be like, and search through their profiles. On one page for a girl named Lydia Canelo, I find an image of Vicenta holding a helmet behind her legs, a black and green ZX10 Kawasaki behind her.

“Now we’re getting somewhere.”

Tapping on the tagged icon, I find the motorcycle has been tagged to someone namedMiDeseo. I click on it and find the profile set as private, but the quote in the bio section pulls my attention.“I found my peace in dark desires. A love affair with Death.”

I hum under my breath as I re-read it a few more times.

That definitely doesn’t fit with the straight edge daughter image her public profile suggests.

I leave the page and repeat the entire process with her brother, finding him to be much easier to get through. There are hundreds of images on his hidden profile, and almost all of them include his sister who seems to be as sneaky as I knew she would be.

She has an entire life hidden away from her family, minus her brother. In fact, they both lead secret lives; she street races and he fights.

Intriguing indeed.
