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“Let’s go.”

We run over to the girls, spraying them with the cold beers. I aim for Vicenta’s chest, laughing when she jumps to her feet, screaming like a pissed off cat while chasing me. I toss the bottle and run into the water, turning just before she crashes into me, knocking us both in the water and trying to shove my head under in revenge.

When I come up, she tries to get away from me, but I quickly yank her back to me, wrapping my arms around her and kissing her deeply.

Vicente is right. My lifestyle is very capable of breaking hearts, but I just can’t live without trying to have a future with her, even if it’s just for this month.



“So Seductive” by Felicitas

After spending the day at the private beach with Romero and my brother, even Katalina—who turns out to be one of the coolest girls I’ve ever met—we decide to head back up to the cabin. When we get to the bikes, Romero lifts the seat and takes out his phone, clicking through the messages, before sitting on the bike and helping me onto the spot behind him.

His shoulders are tense so I rub them, loving how his skin feels against my palms, but also wondering what has him suddenly stiff.

“What’s the matter?” I ask him just as he starts the bike. The motor is loud enough to drown out any words so he just shakes head and taps his side, telling me to hold on to him.

The whole way up the mountain, my mind is wandering to so many different things that by the time we get to the cabin, I’m now the tense one. The last time I felt that kind of strain coming from someone, Alvaro was being married off.

I carefully slide off the bike, wincing at the soreness in my thighs from the jet skis, and tear my helmet off. “What happened, Romero?”

He looks at me surprised as he pulls his own helmet off. “Tranquila, Diabla. Nothing is wrong. It was just some shit with Javier and the job I had him working on today. Nothing bad or dangerous, I promise.”

I relax and blow out a breath. “Sorry, I just–forget it. I’m sorry for snapping at you.”

He shakes his head, chuckling lightly as he slides his leg off the bike. “Remind me to be more careful around you. Looked like you were about to stab me.”

I make a face at him. “Don’t tempt me.”

“Alright!” my brother shouts as he and Katalina come around the house. “Time for some American versus Mexican drinking. Let’s see who passes out first.”

I scoff. “Yeah, that’s not happening. The last time you got shitfaced, you tried to strip dance and ended up in a fight with Fernando.”

Romero barks out laughter. “What? NowthisI have to hear.”

“You really don’t,” I warn him, knowing he’s going to get all alpha-male if he hears how Fernando took my brother’s wannabe strip tease in front of Lydia as disrespect so he thought it was wise to corner me and try to feel me up.

Vicente walks over and claps Romero on the shoulder, shaking his head. “All you need to know,carnal, is that I beat his ass.”hHe leans forward, tapping me on the nose. “Even whileshitfaced.”

I swipe his hand from my face with a chuckle. “Fine, a few drinks. But I swear, you’ll be cut off the minute you start Magic Miking all over Katalina.”

She laughs but her brows fold. “What’sMagic Miking?”

Her accent makes the question sound incredibly cute and Vicente swoops in, leading her inside the house while explaining the strip tease movie.

I turn back to Romero, smiling, but he tilts his head to the side. “Is this Fernando guyanothercontender for you?”

I rear back like I’ve been slapped. “What doesthatmean?”

He shrugs, standing straight. “I’m only curious because you didn’t want me to hear the story. Is Fernandoanotherman for I have to contend with for you.”

I stare at him in shock, heat burning its way up my chest. “Wow. That’s really fucking nice.”

I turn to walk away but he grabs my hand and stops me. “I’m just saying,Diabla, you already have me and Alvaro that you can’t seem to choose between—”

I twist out of his arm, knocking his hand away. “Do you think I set out to have the attention of one, much less two assholes? No, I didn’t, so you can take your disrespectful tone and accusations andfuck right the hell off.”
