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“What about Marius?” said the man sitting to her left, his iron grip holding her wrist firm.

“We don’t need him if we have her. Now we are just going to have a little talk, Bloom,” said the man in the front passenger seat.

Before she knew it, they had bumped down the path, trees flying by on either side, until they flew right past the massive stone gates of the old estate, with pedestrians leaping to either side. Then before she had even fully taken in what was happening, they were on the road, barreling out of town at high speed.

Adrenalin coursed through her. This is not how the plan was supposed to go down. But she had put her faith in Dax.

Now he just needs to come through.

The guy in the passenger seat seemed to be in charge. “Look, we are reasonable. We don’t want much, just to discuss some business dealings. You will find we make much better partners than Marius. But that is irrelevant. Our offer is going to be of the take it or leave it sort. We don’t recommend you leave it.”

The men on either side of her gripped her arms tightly, even as the one on her right kept up a steady monologue of curses directed at the bleeding gash on his arm, “Did you see the size of that fucking dog?”

“That was no dog, Big J, that was a wolf.”

“Where the hell did it come from?”

“Those critters are pretty scary,” Bloom chimed in.

The guy on her right, “Big J”, seemed a bit annoyed at her contribution to their conversation. “You’re just beginning to see scary, lady,” he said in an apparent attempt to regain some control over the narrative.

“Oh, they have things much scarier than doggies,” Bloom said. Big J’s attempts to intimidate her were only egging her on.

Just wait till my dragon gets here.

She felt a surge of excitement pulse through her.

My dragon.She played the thought through her mind.

“Things? What the hell are you talking about? It’s lucky I didn’t shoot it dead,” Big J said, with as much bravado as he could muster.

She was beginning to see her new shifter friends in a new light. Maybe even appreciating them.

“Where are you taking me?” she finally demanded. Despite her growing faith in Dax and his pack, she couldn’t help but feel more than a little alarmed at being kidnapped. They were fast approaching the old Macon Bridge, which was sort of the unofficial border between Fae Crossing and the outside world.

“Come on, Dax,” she said aloud.

“Lady, who the hell are you talking to? Hey boss, this lady is kooky.”

Okay, I take back all the bad things I have thought about shifters. I get it. I was wrong. Great, this must be the bargaining phase I am in now. Isn’t that part of how people deal with trauma or something? Or is that grief? Whatever, Dax, if you are going to save me, now would be a good time.

Just at that moment, ‘Boss’ turned in his seat to address her. “Don’t go all nuts on us, lady. We’re not gonna hurt you. We just want to make a little deal. Word is your underground club, The Tree, is the hottest spot in town. And it just so happens we have the hottest drug. I am sure we can come to an arrangement for our mutual benefit. Well, for our benefit at least. You don’t want to disappoint us. We aren’t always so nice.” The two thugs gripped her arms tighter as she fought in vain to free herself.

Any time now, Dax.

As if on cue, the whole SUV suddenly lurched and swerved as the space around them darkened. The screech of steel was immediate as the roof began to buckle in places.

“What in the fuck?” gasped Big J as he looked up at the roof.


“Is that a fucking claw?”

“That’s my man, er, dragon.”

Big J just stared at her with his mouth agape as the SUV seemed to be almost lifted before the top of the vehicle was peeled back like a sardine can. And standing right on top was the most beautiful beast she had ever seen. The dragon was jet black and covered in pearlescent scales. Beneath the scales rippled the beast’s muscles, and upon its back were two great wings. Even now she could feel the wind as it beat them to aid it as it further ripped open the roof. Then it locked eyes on her. Locked eyes with her. Its blue eyes.

