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Well, this is not awkward.

He wanted to rip her clothes off. His wolf was totally on board with that idea.

And pretty clearly she felt the same.


What the fuck?Winona watched him through a haze of heat as he left the room. She could barely speak she was so turned on. The thumping in her pussy was unrelenting and she had no idea how she was going to get through the night. She blinked her eyes slowly, she felt almost like she was drunk. She looked around the room, trying to figure out where her legs were.

Okay, Winona, get a grip. Tie your legs together if you have to. He’s your boss, yourcaptor!You should not be making out with him, or throwing yourself at him, even if you want to.She shook herself to clear her brain.Oh my god. Get in the goddamned bath.

She walked into the bathroom and saw that he had indeed started it, and it was done. She turned the handles to shut off the water and faced the steaming tub. She really needed to think.

She thought vaguely of wanting to talk with Julie, but somehow it felt less pressing. That weird calming effect again she imagined. She just had the sense she would talk with her soon enough. God, this was all so weird. And the feelings that were developing between her and Rollo were the weirdest.

It was normal for women to throw themselves at men after days full of danger, she knew. It was completely normal for her anyways, although she couldn’t really remember the last time she’d been in danger.

Rollo was not exactly a typical man, she also knew, and she suspected her feelings were running a bit deeper than an adrenaline crash.

She peeled off her clothes and stepped into the bath. To the side of the tub were lit candles and some essential oils and she dropped some lavender and eucalyptus in with her. Rollo hadn’t been inside the bathroom long enough to do all of this.Is this from the house? What the hell is this place?she thought as she took in the blissful scene. “Um, thank you!” she said to anyone or whatever might be listening as she dropped deep into the bath. She was going to stay right here until her fingers pruned up and the water was cold. She fought the desire to touch herself. It wouldn’t take much.

No. Besides, she still didn’t know what to think. Too much had happened too fast.You can’t afford to lose your head.And that was that. She closed her eyes and leaned back.

* * *

When she heard a weird noise,her eyes snapped back open. She realized she had actually fallen asleep.Man, I guess I was tired. The candles had burned down by half. The water was tepid now, if not downright cold.

Then she heard it again. There was a creak as if a door were closing to the left. Shegot out of the bath quickly, wrapping herself in a large white towel and tiptoed to the door. There was a cool draft coming from it. She called out quietly, “Hello?” and she heard a clatter in response and Rollo’s deep voice telling her to hold on a minute.

“I guess I was right, the bathroomisshared between our rooms. I had assumed you went to bed ages ago. Did I wake you?” He was talking to her through the door.

Winona laughed out loud. “No, jeez you startled me, though. Thank god it’s you, Rollo. I love the boys already but I don’t think they are ready for a pruny old naked lady.”

“Don’t worry about them, they passed out before I even turned off the light. I have a feeling this house has some sort of deep sleep mode,” he said with a little laugh.

“I know exactly what you mean,” she said, without explaining further. The door gave a little and she caught a whiff of his scent. She heard him take a deep breath.

“And by the way, I find it hard to believe there is anything pruney or old about you.”

Winona’s toes curled and she felt her pussy swell. Then, just as she was about to say goodnight, the door swung open.

Rollo had come through the doorway. He was clothed in nothing but flannel pajama bottoms. What little hesitance had held him back earlier had apparently disappeared. He walked right in and immediately reached out for her, pulling her in close. “I can’t say I am sorry to catch you in the bath. But somehow, I don’t think you mind.” She surrendered to his strong hands as he grabbed at her towel-covered ass and kissed her deeply.


She let out a muffled sigh as she wrapped her own hands across his back and ass, pulling him toward her.

She pulled herself free for a moment, though. “Are you sure I’m not pruney anywhere, Mr. Wright? I think you had better check on that.” She gave him a wicked smile. He answered the invitation and without hesitation pulled the towel off her, leaving her standing naked in front of him. A thrill ran through her from head to toe as she stood totally exposed to him. She watched as he devoured her with his eyes. She could see his cock swelling under the fabric of his pajama bottoms. She moved in close, allowing him to take her all in. For a second, he almost seemed a little frozen, maybe like a deer caught in the headlights. She almost laughed.Are my tits the headlights, then?

“Rollo? Are you okay? Rollo?”

“Yes, I have never been more okay. I just can’t believe that I’m not dreaming.” He ran his hands from her waist up to her shoulders and grabbed her face to start an incredibly hot kiss, one that shot liquid heat down to her toes. She felt her breath speed up in excitement.

“Well, that makes two of us,” she whispered under her breath. But in case it is a dream, let’s make the most of it.

He laughed in between their kisses. “Definitely not a dream. And if it is, I can guarantee you, it is one you will never forget. Neither of us will. This is crazy.”

With that, Rollo picked her up and lifted her up to get her breasts in his face. He rubbed his face between them, catching a nipple between his lips before sucking on it. He licked at them in turn, and then blew lightly to tease her.Oh my God!Winona could feel the sensation throughout her entire body.
