Page 39 of Not A Peep

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Clearly the ringleader in this mess, I save him for last, knowing he’ll take up most of my time. When I do end up searching his name, my breath is knocked out of me. Oh my… This twenty-four-year-old graduate student is practicallyroyalty. Grant Gipson comes from a wealthy family, millionaires to the ninth degree. His father, Garry Gipson, owns a successful ranch forty-five minutes away called The Golden Horseshoes but, from public records, it looks like he has some investment in nearly every type of business this side of Texas. As I scroll, it’s clear that Mr. Gipson is a big time investoreverywhere. With Grant being his only son, it looks like Grant will inherit everything once his father goes.

Holy shit. No wonder Grant stays in that apartment rather than a dorm room. I would too if I had the money to afford it. Must be nice to have daddy’s money readily available.

As I stare at pictures of Grant and his father, I’m struck with how odd his expression is. Though there’s always a smile stretched across his face, the proud son standing next to his successful father, his eyes are as cold as I’ve ever seen. Flipping through more pictures, I find Grant’s eyes never change when his father is with him. The only shift comes when I change from an internet search to stalking him through social media. When he’s with his teammates or with his friends, the ice in his gaze thaws. A happy young man stares back at me in most of the pictures he tagged in or that he took himself.

Ahandsomeyoung man.

Woah. I’ve never denied that Grant is attractive. But when he’s not staring daggers or trying to freeze you with just a look, he’s just as attractive as Jason. If my lady bits weren’t still a little sore, I’m sure they would react appropriately.

His gaze is smoldering when it’s just him, Jason, and Trip. The three of them look as thick as thieves. I’m not surprised. Pictures of them go way back. Further than high school and grade school. There’s one when they were toddlers playing in some mud. These guys must be as close as brothers. Of course they would all have the same twisted desire to fuck with an innocent woman.

Well,nearlyinnocent woman.

With a sigh, I lean back and turn to stare out of my window. What am I going to do with all this information? None of it seems useful as a tool to irritate them. If I go after them, I need to be smart about it. There’s a chance that I could piss them off too much, which may lead to them exposing my hand in Jackie’s abrupt departure from the school. If I don’t push them enough, they’ll just hurt me again.

My phone vibrates. With a heavy eye roll, I reach over and grab it, expecting it to be the guys giving me some sort of test to make sure I pick up the phone.

Pianna: Hey, you good?

For a moment, I stare at the screen. Then I laugh outright. The sound is loud and overpowers the television playing in the background. Am I good? No, I was just tortured via vibrator last night. There’s a manhunt for whoever blackmailed the people in the flyer that had been posted around campus, and I know it could be just a matter of time before they narrow it down to me. And then of course, I’m being blackmailed by three kids. Well, notkids. I’m only ten years older than the youngest of the three, but still… I shiver.

Me: Yeah, I’m good. How was your Friday?

Pianna: It was fine.

Pianna: I ran into a guy that reminded me of Joey, and I had a panic attack. Miguel called it a night after that. I just wanted to talk to you.

I groan and scrub my face before answering. Knowing Pianna as well as I do, I know she probably lost it publicly. I hate that I’m not there for her. Of course she still freaks out occasionally. Hell,Istill wake up sweating and in mid-scream, and I wasn’t even the person in the relationship with the psychopath, I was just the one that killed him. There’s a chance that night will always haunt us.

Me: You know he can’t hurt you anymore. I’m sorry you freaked out though.

Me: You didn’t tell Miguel about…?

Pianna: No! Absolutely not.

I let out a sigh of relief. With how quickly Pianna bounces from guy to guy, telling her current boyfriend such a terrifying secret would be a horrible mistake.

Pianna: Are you sure you’re good, Bri? I just have a feeling something is up.

I smile sadly down at my phone. She’s strangely adept at knowing when something is wrong in my life. Somehow, she managed to find my mental frequency and tunes into it often.

Me: Yeah, I really am good. Just had a bad night.

Pianna: What happened?”

I snort. Whathappened? I can barely process what happened. How am I supposed to tell my best friend? Even if I could vocalize the horror, if I tell her, she’ll come hunt the guys down and ring their necks. I definitely don’t need to have more drama in my life. Quickly, I think up a believable lie.

Me: I started talking to someone.

Pianna: OMG yes! Have you sealed the deal?

I hesitate before answering. What can I tell her without giving away too much?

Me: We kissed, which was hot. But turns out he has a ton of baggage and is crazy. His friends are too. I can’t deal w/ it.

Pianna: Learn from my mistakes: leave crazy ones alone.

Pianna: Or be the crazy one.
