Page 4 of Patchwork Pixie

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“Yes, officers. Would you care to come in?”

“Um. Yes, thank you.”

“This is the home of the Garettel pack.” She stepped aside and waved them in. “My Uncle Leon is their omega, and he offered me a place to stay last night. His pack agreed.”

The sitting room was set up with a coffee service, cream, and sugar.

She sat and offered them coffee.

“How did you know we would be here today?”

“It is Tanner’s move. He likes to cry when women are being mean to him. He has a history of it and two children out of any kind of contract. Three if Beth has believed him that she isthe one.”

The officers were about to ask her another question when there was another doorbell. Grey walked to the door and spoke with the newcomer.

An alpha in a seriously expensive suit walked into the room. “Officers. I am Marshal Kensington, and I am Miss Lest’s legal counsel.”

Ruby blinked. “You are?”

“I am.” He had rough features and dark, serious eyes. “Now shut up.”

She blinked and folded her lips against her teeth.

She sipped her coffee, and the man took his coat off before he sat down. He looked at her.

“Uh, coffee?”

He nodded.

She poured it and put in two sugars and cream. She offered it to Mr. Kensington, and he smiled and sipped. “How did you know how I took my coffee?”

She swallowed. “Not a clue. So, Grey called you?”

He nodded. “Officers, what brings you here today?”

One officer was an alpha, and the other was a beta. Both were male.

“We are here to do a wellness check on Miss Lest. Her fiancé indicated that she was irrational and in a rage upon finding him with another woman.”

Mr. Kensington made notes on his phone. “What time was the call put in?”

The officers cleared their throats, and the alpha said, “Twenty minutes ago.”

“Miss Lest, is there security on this building?”

She nodded.

“Can you bring up the outside cameras?”

She brought out her phone and brought up the camera. She pointed at Tanner’s car.

“Officers, you have brought an abuser to the safe haven of a victim. He had no idea she was here until you went through her last known residences.”

She sat there quietly until the alpha officer asked, “He said you were a victim?”

She silently pulled up footage that her uncles didn’t know about. She started it, and Mr. Kensington said, “Place it on the coffee table, please.”

She set it down, and all three men watched her shoved into her bedroom, protesting and fighting, then held down while Tanner got his frustration out of his system. He left her gasping, blood everywhere, and said, “Now that I have ruined you, who else will want you?”
