Page 107 of Look But Don't Touch

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“Yes, yes, you are, love.” He took her mouth again, and she became lost in the sensations of lips, tongues, and hands. It felt like they kissed for hours, or maybe it was just minutes, but it felt glorious regardless. Mouth swollen from the blood that rushed below the surface, cheeks sensitive from the erotic scrape of his stubble along her skin, and pussy so wet the lining of her panties was unbearably soaked, Poppy drifted away in the hazy fog of aroused delight.

With quick movements and expert hands, Blake had her shirt off and tossed aside. She had only ever been naked in front of one person, had only ever given herself to one man, but the way Blake looked down at her, with not just desire but love and understanding, had the wall she built around her heart after Jon died fading away.

She lifted her arms and ran the pads of her fingers across his bare chest. His body lightly shook beneath her hands, and she knew he was just as affected by this encounter.

“I want you, Blake.” She dropped her hands and gripped the edge of her pajama bottoms. She lifted her hips and dragged them down her legs and off when Blake moved aside. He looked almost stunned, or unsure of her actions, but he didn’t stop her. So she reached for the drawstring of his lounge pants. “Tell me this is right, that you want this too.”

Hands on the strings but not making a move to loosen them, Poppy stared into his eyes. Everything around her stilled as she waited to hear his answer. It was strange how the roles had been reversed. It now seemed Blake was unsure of what was transpiring. He closed his eyes, and his jaw clenched as he dealt with his internal battle. Poppy went to drop her hands, but he anticipated her move and placed his hands atop hers, stilling her movements.

“I want this, so much, Poppy.” He removed her hands and stood. For a moment, she thought he meant to leave her in his too big room, alone and naked, but then he pushed his pants down and crawled back on the bed over her. His big body rested atop hers, pressing her into the mattress and sending a lovely, heavy sensation coursing through her. “I want you so much.” Warm, hard male flesh molded to hers, making the sweet anticipation of release just a reach away.

Blake’s narrow hips fit perfectly in the cradle of hers, and the hard, impossibly thick length of him parted her pussy lips. She was wet, unbelievably so, and his shaft moved against the slickness on its own accord. A guttural groan left him, and he dropped his head to her shoulder at the same time his hips jerked and his cock slid against her again.

“You feel so good, Poppy.” He curled his fingers around her upper arms and pressed his hips into hers again. Over and over, he did this, his length sliding up and down as he rocked against her. The base of his erection bumped her clit on every upstroke, and Poppy had to bite her lip or she would have screamed for him to move harder, faster. “I’ve wanted you for so long, ever since our relationship changed during those conversations years ago.” Another bump to her clit, and she squeezed her eyes shut. So, so close to feeling that explosion she longed for.

“Yes, Blake. Please,” she whispered into his hair. He was so big, so muscular, and so very male that Poppy felt wholly feminine beneath him. She begged him for his words, for his touch, for his emotions. She wanted that from him, wanted him to break down his wall like she had.

He pushed up from her, one forearm braced on either side of her head, and looked down at her. The dark slashes of his eyebrows were knitted above his eyes, the look of deep concentration etched on his face. She certainly didn’t want to push him, just like he didn’t want to push her. “I’m sorry. We don’t have to do this.” Maybe this was a sign that what was happening between them wasn’t the best idea. Poppy went to roll out from under him, but Blake pressed his upper body flat on hers, keeping her motionless. “Blake?”

“I just…” He looked away, and the muscles in his jaw jumped beneath his flesh. “I’m afraid once we cross this bridge you’ll look back and regret it, regret your time with me.” He looked back at her, his heart on his sleeve. She cupped his strong jaw, knowing his fears were valid, because she had the same ones.

Poppy pushed herself up on her elbows and kissed the underside of his jaw. She nipped at the skin that was covered in his stubble. It was an intoxicating sensation, one that she wanted to feel all over her body. “Let’s take it one day at a time.”

When she lay back down, she took his hand and placed it between her breasts. He braced himself on his other arm and stared down at where his hand took up the majority of her chest.

“Can you feel that, Blake? Can you feel my heart beating?”

“Yeah, baby,” he whispered.

“You made it start beating again. I didn’t realize it until now, but every conversation we had, you made it come to life a little more each day.” Telling him all this was scary as hell, but she needed to say it if she had any hope of moving forward.

Blake dragged his hand down the middle of her body, so slowly she thought she’d scream in frustration. He stopped right above her mound, stilling for just a second before he dipped his fingers into her folds. At that first touch, fire raced through her, and she spread her legs wider.

His thumb found her clit and rubbed it back and forth until awareness traveled through her, starting between her legs and working its way up her body. Her nipples tightened and drew up tight as blood rushed to them. Blake worked his middle finger into her, the creamy wetness of her arousal having the digit slip easily into her pussy.

“Yeah.” He latched his lips onto her neck, licked and sucked at her skin until it felt abraded in a good way. “You’re so responsive.” He ran his tongue up her throat. “So wet and tight.” Her inner muscles clenched around his probing finger at his words. A groan came from him in response to her body’s reaction to his words. In and out, he pumped into her, slow and steady and so damn good.

With her eyes closed, Poppy let herself just feel every little thing Blake did to her. Her senses were attuned to the little touches of his fingers on her breasts, to the scrape of his teeth on her collarbone, and to the thrusting motion of his hand between her thighs. He moved his head lower, trailing wet kisses along the top of her breasts before finally latching his mouth on an aching, hard nipple.

God, so good.The wet sounds of his lips around her turgid flesh and his finger pumping in and out of her filled the room. All too soon, he let go of her nipple and continued his downward path until his warm, humid breath brushed over her pussy. Adrenalin and endorphins rushed through her bloodstream, making her feel drugged with pleasure.

“Look at me, love. Watch what I’m doing to you.” She panted in and out, not getting enough air into her lungs. The sight of Blake between her splayed thighs, his hair like a raven’s wing, his eyes like a dark angel, did funny, wicked things to her. He kept his eyes on her as he removed his finger from her body and spread her lips wide. Her clit stood out obscenely from its hooded home, but even that couldn’t tear Blake’s eyes away from her.

His tongue peeked out, and when the muscle met her swollen, saturated flesh, Poppy couldn’t hold her head up any longer. Ecstasy consumed her from just that small touch, but then something snapped inside Blake. He went wild on her, fucking her pussy with his mouth like he couldn’t get enough and sending her higher and higher into the hazy abyss that had been just out of reach for so long.

Poppy speared her hands into his hair and tugged on the strands. She pulled him closer to her pussy, needing him to deliver on his promise and devour her. This was the most she had felt in a very long time, and she grew drunk on it.

Blake was relentless with his mouth. He sucked on her clit harder this time and added another finger. The fullness was a shock, but all too soon the coils of her orgasm wound tight and burst free, bathing her in the afterglow of pleasure that stole her eyesight and sucked the air from her lungs.

She might have tightened her hands in his hair and curled her fingers into his scalp, but she couldn’t be sure, because she floated away. The ground left, and the air stopped until she swirled in a mist of conscious awareness that tingled through her and left her senseless.

When she finally returned to the land of the living, Blake’s harsh, guttural groans filled her ears. He gave one last suck to her now oversensitive clit and moved back up her body. In the opalescent moonlight, the glossiness of her juices on his mouth had her pussy clenching with the need to feel him inside her.

Without thinking, Poppy grabbed Blake behind the back of the neck and brought his mouth to hers. She swiped her tongue along his lips, loving the harsh sound that came from his throat. The musky, sweet flavor of herself on his lips was a pleasant shock to her taste buds. For several moments, Blake gave in and allowed her to explore his mouth, but then he pushed up and moved away.

He didn’t make her wait long to know what he reached for. The sound of foil tearing fell across the silent room, mixing with their harsh breathing and bringing a sense of eroticism to the night. He moved back on top of her a second later, his hot, hard length slipping through her folds once again.

Blake braced himself on one arm and looked down at her. He lifted his other hand and ran his thumb along the swell of her bottom lip.
