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All the things he’d told me had been crystal clear. He wanted me as his, only his and he wouldn’t take no for an answer. Not that I would’ve declined.

I was just confused, overwhelmed. I wanted him, had for longer than I could even admit.

Although all I wanted to do was go to sleep, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed Sherry’s number. I’d worried her enough for one day.

She picked up on the first ring, and her sharp exhale told me I’d pissed her off. I couldn’t blame her though.

“Hey,” I said a little shyly. I sat on the edge of the bed and kicked off my shoes, moving my toes around and closing my eyes.

“She lives,” she sarcastically teased. “You do realize how scared you made me just ghosting like that? How nervous I was?” She had the tone of a disapproving mother.

“I shouldn’t have just left, but I did text you.”

She snorted.

“I’m sorry.”

“What in the hell happened? You got that drunk off one drink?” Before I could answer, she was talking again. “You know what, don’t answer that. I know your tolerance and I should’ve known better.”

“Yeah that one drink really messed with my head. And I didn’t eat so it made it ten times worse.”

“You’re feeling okay now?”

I groaned, and she laughed. “That answer your question?”

She laughed again. “Yeah, those Long Islands are potent. Sorry about that.”

I brought my hand up and rubbed the side of my head, my eyes still closed, my head still pounding. The aspirin had helped a little bit, but what I really needed was to sleep. “Listen, I’m gonna try and get rid of this hangover, but do you want to do dinner tonight at my place? Maybe a movie and pizza?”

She was quiet for a minute as if she were thinking it over. “You got ice cream?”

I chuckled, which only made my head ache worse, but I couldn’t help smiling. “Yup, a pint of Häagen-Dazs and a pint of Ben & Jerry’s. You can pick which one you want.”

“It’s a date then,” she said. She talked a little bit about her night with Craig, but after a few moments I had to get off the phone because the pounding in my skull was just too intense.

I set my phone on the bedside table and lay down, grabbing a blanket and pulling it up to my chin. I was a lightweight, and this was embarrassing, and as I lay there drifting off to sleep, the thing that kept replaying in my mind on a loop was how Professor Goode told me I was his.

I needed to talk to Sherry about this, to confide in her. I needed her advice on what the hell to do.

But right now I needed to crash and sleep this off. Maybe when I woke up, everything would be clearer.



The sound of banging woke me from a groggy sleep. I opened my eyes, a hazy pinkness filling my room. The noise stopped, and I was about to go back to sleep when my phone went off, the ringing obnoxious on a normal day but overwhelming right now.

I blindly reached for my phone. My vision took a moment to clear, but then I saw Sherry’s face on the screen. I then noticed the time, how it was already five in the evening. I didn’t know how I’d managed to sleep so long, but that didn’t matter because in this moment I’d been a really shitty friend.

I answered the phone on the fifth ring. “I’m coming. I’m sorry.”

I tossed the blanket aside and left my room, heading toward the front door. I was still kind of groggy, but at least my headache was gone. I opened the door and stared at Sherry, who looked less than pleased.

She stood on the other side of the door with a pizza box in one hand and a large paper bag tucked under her arm. She lifted a perfectly arched dark eyebrow, the corner of her mouth kicking up in a smile, and her gaze raking over me. Then she whistled under her breath. “Damn girl, you’re looking rough.”

I lifted my hand and smoothed my fingers over my hair. I had no doubt I looked a hot mess. “Yeah, won’t even argue with you on that.”

I stepped aside and let her in. She was already talking about another date she had tomorrow with Letterman Craig.
