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Kyle nodded, as if in agreement that it was in fact so something. He cleared his throat and grinned. “It wasn’t all familiar. You’ve gotten a lot more comfortable with some things.”

“Oh, that.” She blushed.

“Don’t be embarrassed.” His eyes crinkled as he bit into a croissant. “It was awesome.”

“I’m not embarrassed, exactly. I’m surprised at myself.” She could count the number of times she’d offered oral sex on one hand. Until today, she had never understood the appeal. “But it felt right in the moment.”

“Felt more than right. Your mouth is wicked, Laney Calhoun.” He reached out and dragged his thumb across her bottom lip, sending a wave of heat crashing through her belly.

“My roommate during med school worked in a woman-friendly sex shop, I attended a few of her classes.” Her blush deepened. “I don’t know why I shared that.”

“It’s okay. I know you’ve had other relationships, so have I. It’s not a big deal.”

Laney’s hand froze over the strawberries. Her chest felt tight, like the weight of all of Kyle’s girlfriends had just been dropped on her. “Yeah, right.”



He gave her a curious look, she could feel it hot against her cheek even though she refused to meet his gaze. “Is it a big deal?”

She focused all of her attention on the berries. There was a big one in the middle that looked yummy, but it would probably be too much to eat in one bite. She moved it out of the way, looking for its smaller cousin.

“Laney.” Kyle moved closer and placed his hand flat against her bare back.

She nodded. “It’s nothing.”


“So you’ve had…relationships? Since me? I mean, of course you have, but they’ve been serious?” She shifted a bit to see Kyle’s face. He was hard to read, but he didn’t look upset, just confused.

“Yeah. I dated a bit after we broke up, and then a few years ago I was in a serious relationship. You haven’t dated?”

She shrugged. “I’ve dated, I guess. Evie pointed out that I don’t like the word boyfriend, and she’s right. I haven’t been interested in anything emotional in a long time. Too messy.”

“Haven’t been interested, or scared of the risk?” Kyle’s appraising look reminded her that they’d shared some brutal honesty earlier.

She sighed. “You sound like Evie. Not wanting to get hurt again doesn’t need to be about fear.”

“I didn’t mean it like that. I was actually accused of the opposite. That I think I want a committed relationship when I really don’t, that I’m scared to be alone.”

“Is that true?”

“I don’t think so. But I haven’t dated in two years now, kind of an experiment of sorts.”

Laney couldn’t keep the shock off her face. “Two years?”

It was Kyle’s turn to shrug. “I had some stuff to work out. Why, how long has it been for you?”

She busied herself with choosing another strawberry. No way was she answering that.

Kyle chuckled. “So, less than that, eh?”

Time to change the subject. “The serious girlfriend … she’s the one in the photo on the fridge?”

Kyle nodded. “Crystal. We dated for a couple of years.”

“What happened?”
