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“Right.” But even as relief flooded into her heart, Laney wasn’t so sure that either of them was being totally honest on that point.

Kyle just wanted her to stop thinking. Giving her the t-shirt was risky, but she accepted it as he intended. There were never any hidden agendas with Laney, something he appreciated even more after living with Crystal. There weren’t any promises of a future life together, either, but he didn’t need to live like a monk anymore. Two years was more than enough time for soul-searching and penance. As long as Laney was close enough to touch, to breathe in, to taste like his goddamn last meal, he would take whatever she offered and not ask any questions about what it might cost him when she inevitably left.

The neatly painted red and white barn was built on a slope, running away from the house, so the closest door opened into the top floor. Kyle knew that Claire had sold her herd of sheep after her husband passed away, and leased her fields to neighbours for crops, but he didn’t know what she had stored in the barn. Stepping inside, he was surprised to see a speedboat on a trailer bed.

“Mom said there was a boat in here, but I thought she meant a canoe or a rowboat.” Laney whistled, walking around to take in the length of it. “Want to get in?”

Kyle grinned and offered her a hand as she jumped up on the trailer. “You going to be okay in that dress?”

She winked. “You might need to give me a little boost.”

He joined her on the trailer, close enough to feel her breath warm his face as she looked up at him. “Hold on tight,” he whispered, cupping her waist in his hands. She was feather light, the warmth of her slim frame and her fragile scent more of a strain than the effort it would take to lift her. With a quick count to three, he had Laney up and scootched back so she was sitting on the edge of the boat, her knees at his chest.

“Do you like my tights?”

He slid his hands down her calves and into the top of her sheepskin boots, admiring the narrow ankles and subtle curves more than what covered them, but he knew how to answer this question. “They’re keeping some of my favourite parts nice and warm.”

“Not all of your favourite parts,” Laney said with a wicked smile, lifting her skirt just high enough to extend an invitation.

Kyle curved his fingers up over her knees, across the tops of her thighs until he found a knit edge and the soft, smooth skin above. He sucked in a quick breath as his brain translated to his cock. Warm. Open. Inviting. He splayed his hands wide, his wrists on the elastic top of the sock stockings, the tips of his fingers grazing the lace edge of her panties. “These are the best tights ever,” he said, his voice rough with intent. “Lean back.”

She shook her head and reached down to toy with his belt buckle, pressing her breasts into his face in the process. “Come on up here and I’ll hop on for a ride.”

Kyle stilled her hands and smacked her lightly on the hip. “Sorry, sweetheart. I really wasn’t planning on this. I don’t have a condom.”

She groaned and pressed her forehead against his. He could practically hear her thought process and he needed to put a stop to it. Way too tempting. His cock twitched and his heart rate picked up. He was a bastard for even considering it.

“Kyle,” she whispered. “I have an IUD. I know it’s stupid, but...”

“That should be the end of the sentence, Doctor.” She bit her lip, then his ear, and it was his turn to waver. Definitely a bastard. “I haven’t been with anyone in two years. Had a full check up in the summer.”

“This would be my first time ever without a condom. I know it’s reckless, but I trust you.” She brushed her lips against his. “Be inside me. Please.”

He held her face against his, deepening the kiss. She tasted like berry jam. He was going to hell, and she tasted like goddamn fruit. With a ragged breath, he gave her a little push to move into the boat.

“Besides, it’s cold.” She swung her legs into the boat and, after pausing to divest herself of her underwear, she moved over, making room for him to join her on the bench seat. “This way we can share body heat.”

He was more than ready, and he knew that Laney would be too, so Kyle pulled her into his lap and under the warm cover that her dress provided, he unzipped and fisted his erection toward home. Don’t get carried away. Maybe an amazing five star resort. Better than home, but you can’t stay forever. She was slick, and her folds parted readily for him. He didn’t enter her right away, wanting to steal a moment of anticipation, and she twisted her hips trying to capture the head of his cock. He chuckled and reached between them to stroke around her clit, earning a whimper of appreciation. Her hips jerked wildly, achieving what her deliberate wiggling only teased at. Home.

She was tight, hot, and impossibly soft. He was gripped in a velvet sleeve lined in the most addictive substance known to man, and as Kyle drove his hips up and into her he knew he’d never get enough of Laney. He needed to deal with that thought, but this wasn’t the time, not when he was half out of his mind, lunging toward a hard orgasm, desperate to take her with him, make it good—no, amazing—for her so he’d get to do this again. Over and over they ground against each other, her fingers replacing his as she climbed the peak. And then she was clenching him, her pussy spasming around his cock, her hands in a death grip on his shoulders, her thighs tight around his hips, and he jerked too, coming inside her.

They clung to each other for a long moment as their breathing returned to normal. He couldn’t get over how simple and easy this still was between them. No, scratch that. This was its own thing. There was no comparing it to the past. “That was unbelievable. Fast, but wow. You felt amazing, Laney.”

She rewarded his compliment with an uncharacteristic blush that tugged at his gut, reminding him again that she wasn’t as worldly as she played at. “Better tuck yourself away before I get up, wouldn’t want my favourite part of you to get cold.” And just like that, she was back to business.

At his truck, Kyle squeezed her hand and gave her quick, hard kiss that left her lips numb and her heart racing. “I’ll make dinner tomorrow night. Come over around six. And Laney … I’d like you to stay for the entire evening. I want more than a stolen moment.”

Chapter 12

Boxing Day started with Pilates, Evie pushing them extra hard because of the bread pudding. Laney was still waiting for her mother and sister to say something, anything, about Kyle’s visit. She hadn’t told them that she was going out that night, and once the boys disappeared to build a Lego fortress, she bit the bullet.

“So about Kyle’s visit yesterday,” she started, rolling her exercise mat up to keep her hands busy. “He stopped by to invite me over for dinner. To catch up. Tonight. And I’m going.”

Evie raised both eyebrows, as if to say, riiiiigghhhht, but she kept her lips shut and for that, Laney was grateful. Claire just nodded sagely, as if this had been her grand plan all along, but she too kept her silence.

“I’m sure I’m going to regret asking, but you seriously don’t have any questions?”

“Oh Laney, I have a million questions,” said Claire. “But asking them won’t change anything and I’m not sure you have the answers yet. I’d think you must be nervous?”
