Page 124 of Kisses Like Rain

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I wrap my fingers around hers and give a squeeze. “I’m very much alive.” But other people died. Too many. Glancing at Brad who’s blowing air through his lips and making truck noises, I ask carefully, “Did you hear about Daisy and Laura?”

Ryan wipes fresh blood away from under his nose. “Angelo brought me up to speed when I called about changing some of the travel arrangements.”

“You better go wash up,” Celeste says, making big eyes in Brad’s direction.

I point at the door. “The bathroom is through there.”

“What happened to them is very tragic,” Mattie says. “I can’t believe she was willing to get you killed for the sake of money and business.”

“Let’s not talk about that in front of the kids,” I say.

“You’re right.” Mattie’s expression is sad when she takes in my face. “I should wash your hair before dinner. I’ll be gentle. It’ll make you feel better.”

“There’s nothing wrong with her hair,” Mom says.

“I can do your make-up,” Celeste offers.

“Thanks, but there’s no point. A ton of foundation can’t hide all these bruises.”

Mom pats my hand. “They’ll fade.”

“You don’t need the make-up,” Mattie says. “You’re beautiful without it. I was always jealous of that.” She nudges Jared. “Isn’t she?”

“She’s looked better,” Jared says. When everyone stares pointedly at him, he adds hastily, “But you’re still pretty.”

A knock falls on the door. Heidi opens it and gives us an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but dinner is almost ready. I set the table in the dining room. Sabella, would you like to eat downstairs?”

A chorus of, “No,” comes from my family.

“She must stay in bed,” Mom says.

Heidi studies me. “As long as you won’t get lonely.”

The walk downstairs actually weakened me a lot more than I expected. A headache is building at the back of my head. I’m happy to see my family, but to be honest, I’m tired. I just want to rest for a while.

I look between the people surrounding the bed. “You must be exhausted after the long journey. Why don’t you freshen up before dinner? We can catch up again later.”

Mom jumps to her feet. “Yes, we tired you too much.” She takes Brad’s hand and helps him off the bed. “We should let you rest.”

They retreat like one man to the door.

“I’m fine,” I say. “Really.”

“We’ll come say goodnight after dinner.” Mom pauses on the threshold. “I was thinking, there’s a lot of space in the lounge. I should ship your piano over.”

I lean back against the pillows. “That sounds like a plan.”

She nods before leaving with a straight back and determined steps like a woman on a mission.

Ryan returns with a clean face from the bathroom, but bruises are already forming under his eyes. Angelo must’ve broken his nose. It doesn’t look too skew. Although, it’s difficult to say with it swollen so badly. Splatters of blood stain the front of his shirt.

“I better go change,” he says with a strained smile. “I’ll catch you later, Bella.”

He’s barely closed the door when it opens again. I expect it to be Heidi, but it’s the doctor who came from the village to examine me. After taking my vitals and checking my injuries, he tells me I’m fine but warns me to keep still and not to upset myself.

When he leaves, I’m surprised when Angelo enters with a tray that holds two steaming plates, which he deposits on the nightstand.

“Aren’t you having dinner with the others?” I ask, studying him closely. Having my family here is as difficult for him as it is for them to accept his hospitality.
