Page 7 of Kisses Like Rain

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I crouch down, putting us at eye level. My voice is soft because I don’t need to raise it. I have his full attention. “What’s your name?”

“Geoffrey,” he says with a hiccup. “I told you everything I know.” He starts crying. “Fuck.” He sniffles before managing to control himself. “I already told you everything. Just let me go.”

“You didn’t tellme.”

“What the fuck do you want?” he cries out, twisting his body in his bonds.

I grab his hair to still him. “What were you doing on my property?”

He freezes. His fear is so great it oozes from his pores. That’s right. Now he knows who he’s facing. No further introductions are necessary.

A great deal of slobbering ensues. “I was only following orders.”

“Whose orders?”

“Mario Marziale.”

My uncle already told me, but I wanted to hear it from this rat, from the informant who was spying on my warehouses. I take a moment to think just because I can. Just because time is on my side but his is running out.

Mario Marziale is a fucking thorn in my side. He’s a new player, a man who quickly rose to power with drug money. He’s got no business sense and even less mercy. He doesn’t abide by the rules of our kind. He probably woke up one morning and decided he wanted to make more money by controlling the seas between Asia and Corsica.

Fucking fool.

Using Geoffrey’s hair as leverage, I shake him. “What were his orders?”

“To watch the warehouses,” he exclaims. “To note your comings and goings. How many men patrol the grounds. When they change shifts. What kind of weapons.”

I put my mouth next to his ear. “Just to watch?”

He jerks his head away from the sound. “Only information.”

To find out what he’s up against. To sniff out my weaknesses.

He wants to find out what he’s up against?

He will. I vow it on my father’s grave.

I let Geoffrey go with a shove.

Turning to Gianni, I say, “Finish him.”

In the bright light of the lamp, Gianni turns ghastly white. His face freezes in a silent exclamation of shock.

Geoffrey protests with more sobbing, wiggling like a fish on a hook. “No. Wait. You said you’d let me go.”

I adjust my gloves. “Inever said anything of the kind.” Addressing my cousin, I continue. “Get going. I don’t have all day.”

Gianni looks as if he’s going to throw up.

The first man I killed was for Sabella. Well, not literallyforher but to get the information I needed to tie her to me. I was twenty at the time. However, I got my hands dirty long before then. My father taught me all the tricks of torture and how to get the toughest of men to talk before I turned fourteen. To date, Gianni has only seen me do the work. It’s about time I take care of his initiation.

When Gianni just stands there, irritation slips into my tone. “Don’t you have a gun on you?”

He shakes his head.

“Never face an enemy without a fucking gun.”

Taking my gun from the back of my waistband, I give it to him. He accepts the weapon with a trembling hand.
