Page 104 of The Gentlemen's Club

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“You won’t be able to get rid of three bodies,” Jay breathed heavily, blood still covering parts of his gray face.

“You’d be surprised how easy it is to dispose of garbage in the big ocean outside,” Tobias said. “We won’t get rid of all three of you at the same time; there’s enough room to keep you here until it’s your turn. Dima can have fun with you in the meantime.”

“I like this plan.” Dima pulled Chris closer and wrapped his arm around his chest, the scent of his sweat strong. “I’ll keep this one the longest.”

“We will need to get rid of them with Anthony watching,” Tobias said, his eyes narrow in thought. “He needs to witness the end of his hopes of being rescued. It will help with his process.” He nodded to himself. “This might turn out better than I hoped.”

“Are you really that obsessed with him?” Chris was beginning to accept a reality where he’d never see Melissa and the twins again. It was too much to fathom.

“Criticizing my level of obsession isnotthe smartest way to tackle this, and once more, Mr. Roberts, I find myself deeply disappointed with your wasted potential. I gave you so many opportunities to see sense.”

Chris glanced at Oscar, who seemed bored like he was already over this whole thing. And why would he risk his neck for the sake of three soon-to-be-corpses?

“I’m going to be sick,” Ethan said and leaned forward.

Chris started to go to him, but Dima pulled him back. “No more tricks.”

Ethan puked on the carpet.

“What are you—this is Safavid silk!Dima, get him away from my carpet!”

Dima moved to pull Ethan back, and Chris had a second to decide he wasn’t going to die in this fucking house. He slammed hard against Dima, catching him off guard. Dima slipped and crashed on his back, sending puke flying across the carpet. But he still held firmly to the gun. Before he could use it, Chris jumped down and grabbed his hand, forcing him to aim the gun at the ceiling.

Blinding pain exploded in his jaw when Dima punched him with his other hand, but Chris didn’t let go. Before Dima could punch again, Jay landed on top of him as well, smashing his fist into Dima’s throat, and causing him to drop the gun onto the carpet.

Chris hurried to close his hand around the gun, but before he could lift it, Tobias stomped on his palm, causing him to let go with a cry of pain. Tobias kicked the gun away, sending it sliding next to Oscar’s feet, who leaned down and picked it up while holding a glass of wine in his other hand.

“Get away from him!” Tobias shouted.

Chris pulled away and rose to his feet with the help of Ethan. Currents of pain swam from his jaw to the rest of his face. Jay stood as well, leaving Dima coughing on the floor and struggling to breathe.

“Pull yourself together,” Tobias snapped at Dima. “You’re rubbing puke all over my carpet.”

“Let me… let me kill them.”

“You’ll need to get up for that, won’t you?” Tobias shook his head at them. “You three truly are suicidal, but I commend you for giving it a final try. I’m done playing games. Oscar, would you mind—”

Chris yelped and jolted as the deafening sound of a gunshot exploded in his ears. But that wasn’t the only thing that exploded. The bullet hit the back of Tobias’s head, sending parts of his skull flying across the room.

Tobias looked astonished before he crashed on top of Dima.

“Didn’t see that one coming,” Jay said.

Down on the floor, Dima tried to push Tobias off of him, his eyes wide in panic.

Chris forced himself to look away from the smoking wound at the back of Tobias’s head. Bits of brain and skull reached across the living room. The overwhelming smells of gunpowder and blood made him dizzy.

Oscar placed the gun on the couch, still sitting with the wine glass steady in his hand. “Calm down, all of you. Let none of you faint and add more to this drama.”

“You shot him!” Dima finally managed to roll Tobias off of him.

“Kind of you to state the obvious.” Oscar’s eyes locked on Chris. “Thank you, darling. I’ve been waiting to do this for ages. Tobias was becoming an ungrateful nuisance. Sometimes, you just need the right push to get the dirty work done.”

Chris wasn’t going to drag this conversation by further inquiring about Oscar’s motives. Frankly, he didn’t give a damn. “We’re going to take Anthony and leave,” he said, his voice steadier than the rest of his body. “I don’t want to hear from you again.”

“Oh my, and here I thought we bonded.”

“You’re going to get rid of the body?” Jay asked.
