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“As I told you back at the club,” Tobias said, “I don’t tend to bring my business to my personal space. That by itself should prove how willing I am to strike a deal.”

“Or you really wanted to see Anthony again.” Jay crossed his legs.

Tobias smiled tightly. “That did play a part in it, yes. Anthony, why don’t you sit down?”

“Hold.” Jay raised his hand to stop Anthony, although he hadn’t moved. “Let me make something clear. We are your guests, and maybe soon your business partners, but those two still belong to us. Only Ethan and I can give them orders.”

“Understood. However, I do expect some alone time with him, as I made clear when I agreed to this meeting.”

“You will get your alone time.”

“As will I,” Oscar said and nibbled on Chris’s earlobe, roughly massaging his balls. Chris looked to the side of the room, a hollowness in his eyes that Anthony couldn’t stand to look at.

“How long have you been partners?” Tobias asked.

“A few years. I started alone, but when things got too hectic, I asked Ethan to join.”

“Do you enjoy your work?” Tobias turned to Ethan. “You don’t strike me as the typical type for such a job.”

Anthony was reminded how sharp Tobias could be with picking up on things, and it made him even more worried about their chances of pulling this off.

“I needed the money after my business went under,” Ethan said. “Jay’s offer was too good to pass on, and we make sure to be fair with the men who work for us.”

“I see. If I remember correctly, you have six men at your disposal.”

“Correct,” Jay said.

“Do they make house calls?”

“Sometimes, but we usually use an apartment we’re renting.”

Tobias glanced at Anthony. “And will all six be available to us?”

“You know that Anthony isn’t a part of the deal,” Jay said, “but like I told you last time, let’s see how you two get along today, then we can talk about the future. And the rest of my men will not come to the club every night because they still have their regular jobs and commitments.”

Tobias cocked his head. “My, how lovely of you to care about such things.”

“Ain’t nothing lovely about it. Like Ethan said, we try to be fair.”

“That doesn’t stop you from getting beaten up, apparently.”

Jay shifted in his seat. “Shit happens.”

“Well, I hope the other guy had it worse.”

“No, he’s fine. I had it coming.”

Tobias raised an eyebrow but left it at that. “How many toys a night can we expect?”

“Likely two.”

“Are they all priced the same?”

“Yes. How much are you thinking for one toy per night?”

Tobias tapped his knees with his fingers. “Five hundred dollars.”

Jay burst out laughing. “Oh, that’s wild. You heard that, E? We’re doing charity.” He shook his head. “That won’t cut it.”
