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TonightisthenightI am reunited with Abigail. I have Tristan, Edison, and Max covering the inside of the dance. I can’t be seen or suspected before I make my grand entrance. With the last two weeks being any indication, they know someone is watching all of them. They think they are being smart. Staying as a group or buddying up, but in reality, nothing will keep me from her. If I want her, and I do, nothing and no one can stop me. Tonight will be proof of that.

I pull on the black cargo pants and black long-sleeve top over my head. I grab the black ops vest off of my chair and put that on as well. I’m disguised as one of her three suitors. I pull on the ghost mask and complete the outfit. I grab my gun and slip it into my back belt along with the needles I will be using to sedate her if it calls for that.

My drone hovers in the air above the maze, and I watch as all four of them enter into what is now my domain. I watch Parker take a left and run into a dead end. Colin makes his way past a couple making out and stops to ponder going left or right. Ryan gets turned around after a clown jumps out in front of him. However, Abigail is on her way toward me, and I will make sure she finds me first before the rest of them.

I take two lefts and then a right before stopping to put my phone in my back pocket, and I lean up against a wooden crate. Abigail turns the corner and sees me standing there, waiting for her.

She runs up to me, and I lift her up, twirling her around in my arms. Putting her back on the ground, she slightly lifts up my mask so only my lips are showing and kisses me. Our first kiss. She fills me with heat and passion. How I have longed for this moment. Years of waiting for this moment. She slips her tongue into my mouth, and I massage it with mine. My hands trailing the curves of her body until I get to the slit in her dress. I part with my hand to get to her sweet center. I push over her panties and claim what is rightfully mine. I slip my fingers inside of her tight cunt, and she becomes wetter with my touch.

She moans out as our lips part, and I claim her neck, leaving my mark on her. A fresh independent bruise of my own. In this moment, she may think me to be someone else, and I don't care, for in this moment, she is mine, and I am hers.

She leans into my hand, pushing my palm against her clit, chasing an orgasm, and I want to give it to her so bad. She is practically begging me, and my cock springs to life in my pants, pushing up against her body. She stills beneath me. Slowing down the heat of the moment and coming to a still. She pulls back from me and lifts my mask.

The shock on her face that I am not one of her three but that I am me takes her by surprise. She lets out a gasp and pushes me away from her, pulling her legs to a close. She goes to scream, but I grab her, pulling her into me, putting my hand over her mouth, muffling her cries. I pull out one of the syringes and jab it quickly into her neck. As she falls into my arms, she whispers,“Sebastian.”



Myheadispounding,and I can’t open my eyes. I try to move, but my hands are bound behind something hard, and my legs are tied. I hear someone moving around me and talking to themselves, but I can’t make out the words, not yet. The smell of pine and wood, dust, and mold are overshadowed by gasoline.

Once I am able to flutter my eyes open, I see a man dressed in all black dumping gasoline on the floorboards of an old landscaping shed. Mowers and weed whackers are to the left of me, the door to my right. His eyes meet mine, and all memory comes back to me.


Sebastian kissed me and drugged me. Is he my stalker? He can’t be. This can’t be happening. Why is this happening?

“Hello again, Abigail. I must say that kiss was something else,” he says, setting down a can of gasoline.

“Why are you doing this? What do you want?” I plead.

“Isn’t it obvious? I’m doing this for you. I want you.”

“Go to hell, Bas.” I spit, and it lands by his shoe.

“Now, now, my little canary, is that any way to talk to the love of your life?” He walks toward me, lifting up my chin to meet his eyes.

“I do not love you,” I bite out.

“Not yet. But you will. I just have to get rid of him first.”

My heart stops. Who is he talking about? Him.

“You don’t see it, do you?” he questions.

“Don’t see what?”

He laughs as he paces the room back and forth. “Yes, my little canary, you are in the arms of three men. This I know as I have been watching you since you first stepped foot in this godforsaken town. But only one of these young men are you in love with. Sure, you have feelings for them all, that I do not doubt, but only one of them are you in love with, and as long as he lives, there will never be a you and me. So don’t you see? I have to kill him.”

Fuck this! Who the hell does he think he is telling me how I feel when I don’t even know what I feel? Yes, I love them. Of course, I do, but I don’t know how to love, how to be in love with someone. He is fucking insane.
