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When I was questioned by the police, they asked me if Jade had been spending time with any new people or if her personality had changed in the lead-up to her death. I’d always said no. But I lied. Something about her was different. I just couldn’t quite remember what that was. And now I know. It was Alex. She didn’t want to tell me about Alex. But if he’s looking for answers then he wasn’t involved. And Jesse would have told me if he was…

A thought hits me suddenly as a sharp pain radiates in my chest.

Was it me?

Did I invite Jesse and block it out?

No, that can’t be right. If I knew Jesse before the mountain, I would have remembered him.


The sound of a car driving past breaks me from my madness, and I startle before making my way back to the road. Even if I wanted to go up there again, I know not to go by myself.

When I set off toward home, I notice a truck stopped on the side of the road ahead of me, but it pulls away before I can register any details. A shiver runs through me and I have to laugh. I’m once again imagining things, letting my mind run away from me, and it has to end.

My packed bag haunts me from the doorway when I get home, telling me that enough is enough. I can’t spend the rest of my life wondering. I’m supposed to be stronger; I need to stop being so indecisive.

Without giving it any more thought, I slide down the wall and call Pippa. If I tell her I’m coming, it will be harder to back out.

The call connects, and the first thing I hear is the deafening background noise, before Pippa calls out through the chaos. “Willow, hi. I’m just walking through—” Everything goes quiet as though she hung up, but the noise starts up again before I’ve had a chance to check my screen. “Sorry, cell service goes in and out here,” she yells in my ear. “Can I call you back?”

“Of course. Talk soon.”

I hang up without waiting for her to respond because the only thing that call achieved was to freak me out even more. Reminding me of how different our worlds are.What am I getting myself into?Where do I even start?

It’s another hour before I hear from Pippa, and in that time, I achieved absolutely nothing. I haven’t even moved from my position on the floor, my legs curled up as though I’m in my own tight little bubble.

“Sorry again. This is much better.”

The only background noise I hear now is the distant sound of a TV, and the relief I feel is a little bit worrying. “Thanks for calling me back. I…”Shit.What do I even say?“I’m coming to San Francisco.”That’s a good start.

Pippa’s dead silent, and if the TV wasn’t still playing, I’d think we got disconnected again. “Pippa?”

“I’m sorry. Of course, you can come. I’d love for you to visit. I’ve got a spare room and a car you can use. I can even pick you up from the airport, or at least, I can send someone if I’m working. When are you coming?”

“As soon as I can?”

Pippa sighs but I know she doesn’t mean for me to hear it. “Is there any chance you’re going to tell me what’s going on?”

Now it’s my turn to sigh. “Yeah, I can do that. But I don’t know that much more than you do.”

“I just want to help, and also, it would be nice to know why I’m annoyed at Jesse.”

I bark out a quick laugh. “You’re annoyed at him?”

“Of course I am. But as I said, if he ever asks me why, I can’t really answer.”

“Thank you.”I think.“Do I need to explain now or when I get there?”

Pippa laughs. “It’s been a month. I can wait. Book a flight and let me know the details. I’ll be here.”

My heart clenches as it all gets a little bit more real. Confronting Jesse is going to be hard enough, but add the flying, the city, plus the fact that I’ll be completely out of my comfort zone, and it’s tenfold.

After saying goodbye, I stare at the phone for a good five minutes before pulling myself up off the carpet and texting Mom. I’ve learned my lesson about doing things without informing her.

Willow: I’m going to visit Pippa. I’ll be gone for a few days. I’ll call you when I get settled.

Mom doesn’t reply, but I don’t expect her to. She’s not a texter. Instead, she calls. Immediately.
