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“What do you mean you’re visiting Pippa?”

“Hi Mom.”

“Hi. Now, please tell me it’s a joke.”

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and hold it, before releasing it slowly so she can’t hear my sigh. “It’s not a joke. I’m about to book my flight.”


“Excuse me?”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“I’m just visiting Pippa. Taking a vacation if you will. I’m doing something for myself.”

“What about the shop? You have responsibilities.”

I roll my eyes, and for once, I wish that she could see me. “Sara’s looking after the shop. I’ve got it covered. I’m not looking for your permission. This is a courtesy. I’ll see you when I get back.”


“I love you, Mom.”

With that I hang up and drop back onto the couch, throwing a hand over my face with a sigh. Why can’t she ever just support my decisions? She’s happy about the shop now, but even that was a challenge until Sara came on board. I didn’t even realize how much she was holding me back until I got older. Maybe we really do get wiser as we age.

I book a flight for the next day, and by five in the afternoon I’m touching down on California soil.California.I’m in California. I made it.

My lips pull into a smile without my permission before I actually giggle out loud. I left Hepburn Falls and the world didn’t end. I feel invincible.

The seatbelt sign switches off, and it’s like a race to see who can get off the plane first. I take my time, watching everyone rush around, and it’s not until the last of the passengers exit, I grab my carry-on and smile as I leave, thanking everyone I see. After collecting my bag, I search for Pippa, but she’s nowhere to be seen. She said she’d be here. Even though she joked about sending a car.

Fifteen minutes later, I almost give up and call an Uber when I see her come running through the doors, looking frazzled. She brushes her blonde hair away from her face and throws her huge bag over her shoulder, her eyes frantically scanning her surroundings, her panic only subsiding when she spots me.

“Sorry I’m late. I’ve been through hell to get here.” Her phone rings, and when she checks the screen, she curses under her breath before smiling back at me. “But that doesn’t matter. It’s not for you to worry about,” she adds, grabbing the handle of my suitcase. “Let’s get you home.”

I can’t say how many times I grip the door as Pippa zips around the streets, weaving in and out of traffic. But it’s a lot.How do people live like this?Seriously, they need toslowdown. And I don’t just mean the driving. I mean life in general. The trip from the airport seems to take forever, but I’m told that’s because I decided to land during rush hour. I didn’t even think about that when booking. I just went for the next available flight.God, I feel so out of touch.

And don’t even get me started on the hills. I live in a mountain town yet our land is flatter.

Pippa slows as we approach an eclectic looking apartment building, a smile lighting up her face. “We’re here,” she sings. “This is—goddammit!”

My eyes flash to hers before following her gaze out the window. Goddammit, all right. Jesse’s leaning against the wall with his arms folded over his chest and his usual scowl in place, looking like he’s waiting for someone.

And when his eyes meet mine, it’s no surprise to discover…that someone is me.

Chapter Six


“Alrightmen,goodpracticetoday. We’re just over a week away from our first preseason game, and I can already feel the difference. You’re bonding in a way you haven’t before.”

The guys all cheer before Coach raises a hand to silence them. “But…you’ve been known to get cocky in the past. Don’t fuck this up. You’re onto a good thing. Let’s show them what’s coming for them this year.”

Cheers ring out again until we’re silenced for a second time.

“Hastings and Blakey,” our forward coach calls out, drawing everyone’s attention. “My office after you’re dressed.”

“Shit,” Ryan curses under his breath while I skate off the ice, barely acknowledging his existence. And perhaps that’s the problem.
