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“They were amazing. I’ll be in touch to work out the details, or someone will, hopefully by the end of the week.”I wonder if Seth can help.

“Thanks, Jesse. Thanks for picking our league. I have no doubt we’ll be getting a lot more interest once word spreads that some of the San Francisco team have been here.”

“My pleasure. I wish I could stick around but…”

“Of course, go. We’ll pack up.”

I grab the rental keys from the bench, along with my bag, and wave to the guys.

When I spot Pippa across the rink, I call out, signaling to the door. “I’m taking the car, Pip. I’ll be back to pick you up in a few hours.” Her eyes widen and she frantically shakes her head, but I keep walking. Or at least, I try to.

“Jesse, stop!” she yells and I surprisingly do as she asked. “We're leaving at four on the dot,” she calls out as I turn around. “With or without you,” she adds, driving her point home.

She’s obviously not happy about what I’m doing, but the fact that she didn’t stop me suggests she’s not completely against the idea. And that means one of two things—either Willow’s struggling and she thinks my presence will help, or Willow is thriving and she wants me to see it.

I don’t care which it is as long as I get to find out for myself.

The drive is easy enough, but as I arrive in Hepburn Falls, the car slows the closer I get to town.To Willow.It’s not until my chest tightens that I realize I made it happen. I slowed down. For all my bravado and talk of fighting, I’m not quite ready for what I might find.

But I came here for a reason, and it’s better that I know one way or another.

I give myself a little pep talk—one that involves telling myself to snap the fuck out of it—and by the time I’m pulling into a parking space across from her store, I’m set, jumping from the car before I start questioning things again. I’ve already wasted too much time.

After learning my lesson when I was last here, I check for the one car that might be driving by, before crossing. I’ve just taken a step when the world stills.

Willow rushes from a neighboring store with a large box in her hands and a genuine smile lighting up her face. She says something to Sara as she holds open the door, and they both burst out laughing before moving inside.

A heavy weight settles on my chest as I watch her. She’s happy. I’m fucking miserable and she’shappy.

While the thought of her living life without me is soul crushing, seeing Willow’s smile means everything to me.

God, should I leave?

I reach for the door handle behind my back, contemplating my decision as I stare at her now empty doorway. If I leave, I’ll never know, but if I stay, will it stunt her progress?

I’m stuck, unsure what to do, as the girls walk back out, making my decision for me. Sara’s the first to see me, her smile fading as she flicks her curly brown hair out of her face, pinning me with a look I can only describe as apprehensive. When Willow sees her expression, she spins my way and gasps, her unforgettable eyes boring into mine.

She whispers something and then takes a few tentative steps toward me, hesitating when she reaches the road. “What are you doing here?” she asks, her tone less accusatory than I expected.

Letting go of the handle, I move forward but stay on my side of the road. “I just finished running a clinic in Grovedale. We have to head home in a few hours.”

“Okay.” She nods slowly. “But why are youhere? Almost an hour from there.”

“I thought that would be obvious,” I say honestly. “I’m here for you.”

Willow quietly stares at me, her brows raised in defiance, refusing to give.

“I’m not leaving until you talk to me,” I say, standing my ground, my gaze unwavering.

She huffs, and her body deflates before she rolls her eyes, as if my presence is bothering her. “Fine, you can help me with more boxes. Come on.”

Chapter Twenty-One


Ijogacrosstheroad, quickly falling into step beside Willow, following her into a clothing store I hadn’t even noticed the last time I was here.

“What do you need to collect?” I ask, looking around the space.
