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Pippa grimaces. “Dinner…party. Same thing.” She shrugs.

My jaw drops before I recover. “It’s not the same thing. At all. Do you know something I don’t?”

“No,” she protests with a hand in the air. “I just heard about it through the grapevine, and they were calling it a party.”

“Goddammit.” I suck in a breath, suddenly struggling to get air. I don’t know why the idea of a party feels so much worse, but it does.Breathe, Willow.

“Willow, it’s going to be okay. You’ve got me. I promise not to leave your side.”

Why does thatnotfill me with confidence? “I’ll be okay. I’ll just do what I do best and blend into the background.”

Pippa slams on her brakes, and I’m not sure if it’s because of what I said or the fact that she found a free parking space. But when she turns my way with a stern look, I have my answer. “You arenota blend-into-the-background girl. This brand ishugeand they wantyourdesigns. This is an amazing opportunity, Willow. Be the shining star you used to be.”

“I used to shine?”

“Always.” A horn blares behind us and Pippa flips them off before driving into the parking spot, a megawatt smile on her face, making me laugh.

“You enjoyed that, didn't you?”

“I did. But only because I think I recognize the car, and the driver’s a bitch.”

With wide eyes, I try to catch a glimpse through the side mirror, but I can’t see her. I’d love to know the story behind that reaction though. “Care to share?”

Pippa laughs. “Of course. Come on, let’s go. I’ll tell you on the way.”

Even with Pippa’s gossip-filled story to distract me, my confidence drains as we walk toward the gala room, and the closer we get the more I regret my decision.What was I thinking?I don’t fit in here. A dinner I can handle. I’d get to know the people seated next to me, make some small talk. But a party…nope.

And, other than Dad’s retirement, it’s been years since I wore something this fancy. Andthatdress was at least one I picked out for myself, not an item from Pippa’s wardrobe.Again, what was I thinking?I pull at the hem of the fitted silk dress—Pippa’sfitted silk dress—as if I can make it longer. I can’t. Add to it that it dips lower in the front than I would have liked, and I’m a hot mess.

Nope, I’m not doing this.

I turn to go back to the car when Pippa grabs my hand and pulls me back around, her eyes trained on the beautiful event in front of us. Two security guards stand by the door, and behind them it’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before.I was definitely right to freak out.

Through the gap in the doorway, I can see crystal chandeliers, flower bouquets that I’m sure stand taller than I am, and models. So many models. Or maybe they’re just really beautiful people in designer wear that fits perfectly, displaying their confidence like a badge of honor. Either way, they’re not me.

“It’s go time,” Pippa says, and my gaze flashes to hers.

My heart races as my eyes bounce between her and the entry. “Actually, I’m having second thoughts. I don’t think—” Words escape me as the one person I never expected to see steps into view, freezing in front of me, his eyes wide with shock. Jesse.What in the world?

My cheeks heat as my skin undoubtedly turns a light shade of pink, his stare so intense, I feel naked in front of him. Pippa says something but I don’t hear her, as all sounds blend into one while I try to make sense of what I’m seeing. Jesse’s at an event. Jesse’s here.

His lips pull up into a small smile until he does a double take and frowns. I mentally question what he’s thinking until his gaze lowers, and he rakes his eyes over my body, starting his visual assault at my legs until he settles on my neck, bringing back memories of our intimate moments together.

A tingling sensation runs through me as I remember the warmth of his touch and the way he set my soul on fire.God, Sara’s right.Things with Jesse are far from over. I’ve never felt like this before. I’ve never needed someone so badly that I want to spend every spare second touching them even when I’m mad. And right now, all I can think about is touching Jesse. Him touching me.

I bite down on my lip as his gaze lingers, trying hard to focus. A metallic taste hits my tongue but I ignore it, looking away to break whatever spell he has me under. Only when I look back and see Kim standing a few feet behind him, everything clicks into place and I’m fuming.

“Oh fuck,” Pippa says with a nervous laugh, while a rage burns inside me. “Did you know he’d be here?”

“No, I didn’t.” But I had a bad feeling about all this, and him being here confirms it.

Jesse, what did you do?

I smile politely as we wait to get our names checked off at the door, but the second I’m inside, my smile fades and I beeline straight for Jesse.

I open my mouth to give him a piece of my mind, but he presses a finger to my lips, before grabbing my hand and pulling me away from prying eyes.

“Jesse. I—”

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