Page 54 of Twisted Obsession

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“I took them off after I came to see you at the office.”

I watched the formation of each word forming on her plump lips, fascinated by everything she was telling me.


“The way you were looking at me on the stairs…” she gave a little moan and a little shiver that had me backing her right into the car.

“How was I looking at you, Kami?”

“Like you were imagining fucking me.”

I felt myself smirk. “I was. I was picturing you against the glass, naked and getting railed by my cock.”

Her eyes glazed slightly. “Fuck,” she whined, thighs pressing together.

“Where are your panties, kitten?”

Glassy with a desperate and horny plea I understood completely, Kami sucked in a breath. “I don’t know.”

Both my eyebrows lifted. “You lost them?”

“I think so?”

“At the club?”

She bit her lip and grimaced. “Maybe. I had them. Then I think I put them down … I needed a drink. But the more I drank to forget how badly I hurt, the more I wanted you. The shots didn’t help and … I don’t know what happened to them.”

“God,” I groaned. “I need to get you to bed.”

“Will you come with me?”

I tightened my hold on her hair and gave a gentle, but firm tug that evoked a sharp cry from her. “I told you, if you remember this in the morning and still want me in your bed, you can come find me.”

She reluctantly agreed.

We didn’t speak of it again as I led her into the elevator and up to the floor she shared with the girls. I was deliberating how I was going to get her out of her dress, cleaned up and in bed without climbing into bed with her when the door opened and God gave me a fucking break because Sasha stood on the other side in her bathrobe, face scrubbed and pink slippers on her feet.

She gave me a warm smile. “Lavena said you’d be bringing her home. I’ll take her. She’s going to stay at my place tonight so I can keep an eye on her.”

I had never loved my sister more than I did in that moment when I passed a tipsy Kami over to her friend and ran as if the devil himself were on my heels.

She never did come to find me the next morning.

Part of me knew she wouldn’t remember any of it; she was way too far gone, but the other part of me had hoped. I’d secretly waited for her text or call. I watched her later that week at afamily BBQ as she chatted with my parents and did all the things she normally would have, except remember.

I let it go.

It was clearly not meant to happen. Even the universe had backtracked on its promise to give her to me. Instead, I was the only one who remembered that night. It was a memory I would take to the grave with me.

“Darius?” I blinked and raised my head to focus on the woman in my arms. She touched my face lightly. “I should get back to the girls before they wonder what happened to me. Are we still on for tonight?”

I kissed the heel of the hand resting on my cheek. “Nothing is stopping me from fucking you blind tonight.”

She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and grinned. “Good, because after everything you’ve put me through all evening, if you don’t fix it, I will hunt you down, Mr. Medlock.”

Despite the weight on my chest, I felt myself chuckle. “Oh, I’ll fix it, kitten.”

She smiled as she slid off the counter. “Are you coming out?”
