Page 11 of The Wolf

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“Thanks,” I said before a nervous laugh escaped me. A beat of silence hung between us, pregnant with unspoken words.

“I’ve been watching you,” he admitted, his gaze holding mine as if daring me to reveal the thoughts I tried to keep hidden.

My cheeks warmed, and I took a small sip of my drink to gather my thoughts. “Is that so?”

“It’s hard not to,” he said with a nod, a wry smile playing on his lips.

I leaned against the booth’s edge, the pounding music and dim lights creating a cocoon around us. I stared into his eyes and tried to figure out the enigma that was him.

Not knowing how to respond, I started to dance for him.

The music pulsed through my veins, a rhythm that matched the frantic beat of my heart. Then, as the melody reached its crescendo, I found myself drawn closer to him. With a grace that was both deliberate and effortless, I straddled his lap.

In an instant, our eyes were locked in a silent tension that spoke of everything we dared not say.

Time seemed to slow as I leaned forward, the temptation that soared between us too strong to resist. Our lips brushed against each other, a light, fleeting touch that sent shockwaves of electricity through my entire being. The rules, the boundaries—they all faded into oblivion as I surrendered to the intoxicating taste of his lips against mine. It was a kiss that kindled a wildfire that burned down to the darkest depths of my soul.

That first kiss was heaven. The second sent a message.

Our lips met with a hunger that had been building for far too long, and this time, there was no holding back. As the intensity grew, he pulled me closer, his hands sliding to my waist, a possessive hold that sent shivers down my spine. And then, with a sudden surge of raw passion, he bit down on my lower lip, hard enough to draw blood. The metallic tang blossomed across my tongue, and then all at once, the pain hit me.

The sharp blade of agony pierced into my lip, and I couldn’t help but scream.

With an even sharper cry, I pulled back and met his dark gaze. In an instant, I saw a flash of golden yellow in his eyes, and then it was gone.

It hurt, but desire pooled deep in my belly anyway. I should be angry, but my fury was virtually nonexistent. Instead, I was unequivocally, shamefully aroused. I shouldn’t be, but there was no denying the fact that my lavender lacey panties were soaking wet, nor could he hide the rock-hard shaft of his cock beneath me.

I noticed the bouncers at the door growing restless. The security guard usually tasked with watching over me, Rocco, stiffened. His eyes flashed angrily, and he approached our booth with a cool and collected expression, but his presence demanded attention.

“Excuse me, sir, I’m afraid we have a strict policy against touching the girls, especially if it results in an altercation,” he addressed Kane, his tone firm yet respectful.

“I assure you, there was no altercation. It won’t happen again,” Kane replied, all while keeping his gaze firmly on me. It was like he was assessing me. Did he know how aroused his bite had made me? Did he realize that his kiss had ignited something primal within me?

“I appreciate your cooperation, but we must prioritize the safety and comfort of all our dancers,” Rocco’s stern expression softened slightly.

“Rocco, it’s fine. There was no harm done,” I said, trying to communicate to him that I was alright, and that I really didn’t want Kane to go when the two of us had finally gotten somewhere. Even as I spoke, I still tasted my own blood on my tongue, metallic and bitter.

“I’m going to have to ask you to leave, sir. Please do not return,” Rocco demanded, and my heart dropped.

“You don’t have to do this,” I tried again. I couldn’t remain silent, my voice tinged with a hint of frustration. My anger billowed up from my toes. It should be my decision to ask him to leave, not the bouncers, especially not in this case. I didn’t want him to go, and I opened my mouth again to protest when Kane placed a hand on mine, the contact between us a reassuring anchor. His touch seemed to calm me in an instant. I didn’t understand it, but the urge to speak up and fight against his dismissal quieted within me at once.

“Lexie, it’s alright. I’ll keep watch over you,” Kane coaxed. His hand fell away from me, and Rocco didn’t say anything. Small touches were generally allowed, like the brush of fingers against my hip or my hand as long as they didn’t grope at me.

As Kane stood and exchanged a nod with Rocco, I watched him walk away, a bittersweet ache in my chest. The club’s energy continued around me, the music and laughter blending into a backdrop for the whirlwind of emotions that churned within me. I watched Kane retreat all the way until he reached the door.

This time, he turned back and met my gaze. A soft, wistful smile graced his lips, and my heart fluttered in my chest.

Somehow, I got the feeling that tonight wouldn’t be the last time I saw Kane Lockhart.



I missed him.

The days that followed Kane’s departure felt like a slow descent into a sea of melancholy. The vibrant colors of Lunar Elegance seemed to lose their luster, the music no longer holding its entrancing sway over me like it used to. His absence was like a void that echoed in every corner of the club, a haunting reminder of something that could have been.

The ache refused to subside.
