Page 13 of The Wolf

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“Bitch, you look like you need some fun tonight! Now let me fix your face,” he exclaimed, his eyes kind and full of warmth.

A reluctant smile tugged at my lips as I glanced at my reflection in the mirror. With Darien’s guidance, we transformed my gloomy facade into something that resembled the Lexie who used to light up the Vegas nights. While he fixed my makeup, he told me that we were heading to the ritzy gay club “Stardust,” nestled within the opulent confines of the Bellagio. I’d never been there before, but I’d heard nothing but good things about it.

When he was finished, we hopped into an Uber and made our way to the strip. Once we walked through the doors of the casino, a bunch of Darien’s friends rushed towards us, and I couldn’t help but feel their excitement.

It was Friday night. It had been a long week. It was time to let it all go on the dance floor.

As we entered the glittering world of the nightclub, the thumping bass and dazzling lights enveloped us in a whirlwind of energy. Darien led me to the dance floor, and as the music pulsed through my veins, I began to feel alive again. The rhythm of the crowd, the laughter, and the clinking of glasses—it all became a soothing symphony, drowning out the discordant notes of my recent sorrows.

Hours slipped away as we danced and laughed, and the weight that had pressed upon my shoulders began to lift. The drinks flowed freely, and with each sip, the darkness that had clung to me seemed to recede, but it didn’t go away completely. Instead, it lay in wait, hidden within the shadows. Eventually, it pounced on me, and I wanted nothing more than some peace and quiet.

“I think I’ll catch an Uber home,” I lied.

“Alright, babe. Make sure you get home safe,” Darien said, though still vibrant and full of energy. With a soft smile, he nodded with understanding. I hugged him tightly, grateful for the respite he had given me from my heavy thoughts.

“Let’s do this again soon,” I murmured, and he nodded against my shoulder.

“Definitely,” he winked.

I waved at his friends, and they said their goodbyes. I slowly made my way off the dance floor into the casino.

The truth was that I really wasn’t ready to go home, I just didn’t want to be in the club anymore. Instead, I wandered around the casino, the faint scent of cigarette smoke and the low murmur of conversations enveloping me like a familiar shroud. Bright lights flashed overhead, casting kaleidoscopic patterns on the opulent carpeting below. The clinking of slot machines and the occasional burst of celebratory laughter echoed through the cavernous space, reminders of the endless pursuit of luck and fortune in the City of Sin.

This didn’t feel right either. Eventually, I made my way outside and breathed in, feeling a bit freer now that I wasn’t in the confines of the casino. It was well past midnight, and the Strip was still alive with the remnants of nightlife. Without really thinking about what I was doing, I found myself wandering, lost in thought as my steps echoed in the quiet of the city’s outskirts.

The weight of recent events pressed upon me once more, and I couldn’t help but reflect on how my life had taken a turn so different from what I had hoped for. Instead of going to college and finding my dream career, I was a stripper taking off my clothes to get by and pay my bills. My parents were dead, and I was alone without an eligible man in sight.

As I walked, I really started to feel all the cocktails I’d drunk, a gentle buzz that wrapped around me like a warm embrace. It dulled the edges of my melancholy, at least a little bit.

Even now, I still had a frozen cocktail in my hands as I wandered the dark streets. My eyes scrutinized the shadows as if I was searching for something, but I didn’t know what. I started when a stray dog ran across the street right in front of me, its eyes reflecting the light from the streetlamps overhead. The yowling clammer of a cat fight echoed from somewhere not far off in the distance, and I hurried my steps, the sound making my heartbeat quicken for some reason.

When I peered down an unassuming alleyway, I saw a couple locked in an intimate embrace, her dress pulled up around her waist and his dick deep in her pussy. I looked away quickly, feeling as though I was seeing something that I shouldn’t.

As I journeyed further away from the strip, a group of rebellious teenagers gathered and shared a joint on a dimly lit street corner. A couple of them whistled as I walked by, but I ignored them, and they quickly went back to focusing on the joint at hand.

I didn’t really have a destination in mind. Truthfully, it just felt good to wander. My gaze glanced to the shadows once more, and I stopped cold.

It washim.

Kane emerged from the darkness, his silhouette seeming to materialize like a phantom in the night. He was dressed in a black suit, his form looming in the darkness of night. The shadows played across his face in sharp contrast, casting a mysterious glow about him that simply drew me in.

My heart quickened, and I blinked, wondering if my eyes were playing tricks on me. It couldn’t be him,right?

Yet, there he stood, watching me with those dark, inscrutable eyes. A shiver coursed through me, and I opened and close my mouth, wanting to call out and not knowing if I should.

His gaze locked onto me with an intensity that seemed to penetrate the very core of my being. His eyes, those same eyes that had ignited a tempestuous storm of longing within me not so long ago, held an almost supernatural quality. In the dim light, they flashed a golden yellow, and I took a step back, fear and desire at war inside of me.

What was he doing out here?

Once more, I opened my mouth to say anything really at all, and nothing came out. As I continued to stare, frozen by the sight of him, a curious sensation swept over me. It began as a gentle, almost hypnotic sway, drawing me closer to him like a moth to a flame. The world around me began to blur, the sounds of the city fading into a distant hum. My vision narrowed until all I could see were those golden-yellow eyes, their unearthly radiance ensnaring my every waking thought.

What was happening?

And then, with a profound sense of surrender, the world went dark, my senses slipping away into the shadowy abyss.


