Page 13 of Jester

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“No, it’s best for us to get everything done,” I explain as I notice movement near the prison entrance. “Besides, the Texas fucks have a spy who will hear about our welcome home party. With all the activity, no one will notice Ghost, Luca, and the others have gone.”

Nodding, Sister Sass stares at the prison entry. Around us, people stir with nervous anticipation.

“How did you know Mom was the one?” Sister Sass asks with her gaze still on the prison. “How were you sure?”

I smile at the memory of meeting Betty Boop as kids in a foster home. She’d looked at me and flinched, even though I hadn’t moved. I figured she was too squeamish for a guy like me. We were friendly enough as kids. I never stopped thinking about her, even after I got transferred to another foster home.

We ran into each other again as teenagers. After juvie, I’d been moved to a group home. She was in another one. We were both friendly with Ominous back when she was Tessie. Betty Boop still flinched when I looked at her for too long, but I didn’t let that stop me from approaching her.

“I knew the moment I kissed her,” I explain to Sister Sass. “I got this feeling in my chest as if I wouldn’t be able to live without her.”

My daughter looks at me, likely considering how I’ve lived without Betty Boop for a decade now. She doesn’t mention how I found love again with Lady Bug.

Instead, Sister Sass says, “Lady Bug helped me pick out this shirt.”

Her fingers run across the belly of her burgundy T-shirt. I suspect my daughter’s thinking about the scar from her feeding tube hidden beneath the fabric.

“I see him,” Sister Sass says, nearly bouncing in her seat.

Spotting Jester isn’t difficult, considering he stands at least a half foot over his fellow releasees. He wears a simple white T-shirt and basic jeans along with raggedy tennis shoes. His shoulders are slumped forward. His long, nearly black hair sways with his every step, falling more and more in his face. His black-and-gray beard is long past needing a trim. Jester wears a surly, kinda pouty expression like someone’s bugging him.

Sister Sass and I leave the SUV and walk around the reuniting families. Jester hesitates when he sees us. I think he’s reacting to Sister Sass. She instantly feels awkward and nearly steps behind me.

“Jester,” I say, drawing his attention to me, “you’re free. Shake off that prisoner shit.”

A smirk warms his rough face as he lets me give him a quick hug. He steps back and rubs at his beard, seeming as self-conscious as Sister Sass nearly hiding behind me.

I step aside to force them to interact and get the awkwardness out of the way.

“Jester,” she says in a soft tone she offers no one else.

“Talon,” he replies, getting himself riled up and turning off the civilized part of himself.

“Let’s get the fuck out of here,” I tell them and gesture toward the SUV. “This personal shit can wait for the Sanctuary.”

“No,” Sister Sass insists and steps forward. “I’m hugging Jester.”

“No,” he mutters and steps back.

Cocking an eyebrow, she mutters, “Don’t make me look like a chump by chasing you.”

Jester narrows his fearsome gaze. With anyone else, I’d be ready to kick his ass to protect my daughter. However, I know Jester’s got himself ridiculously nervous over seeing someone he’s known for her entire life.

When Sister Sass wraps her arms around his waist, Jester goes stiff. He’s never been comfortable with nonsexual affection. Betty Boop could get away with hugging him, and Jester never minded cuddling with his son. Otherwise, touching has been reserved for fucking.

Sister Sass doesn’t let him go until his gaze meets hers. “I’m glad you’re coming home,” she says, sounding so much like her mother. “We all missed you.”

“I’m not so sure that’s true,” Jester replies and looks to me for help with the temptation wrapped around him. “I rub people the wrong way.”

“Ignore those fools,” Sister Sass insists, still clinging to him.

Jester looks around at the other families, hugging and crying. There are moms and dads picking up sons. Wives and kids picking up husbands and fathers. I don’t know what the hell we look like right now, but Jester gets that confused look on his face again.

“Let’s go home,” I tell him when he can’t get out of his head.

Nodding, he looks down at Sister Sass and pats her back. I see in his gray-blue eyes the exact moment when he remembers she’s all grown up and no more obstacles remain between them. The protective dad in me nearly rips free of my rational skin, wanting to keep my child safe from this beast.

Instead, I gesture toward the SUV. This time, Sister Sass releases her death grip on Jester who can’t take his eyes off her now. I’m about ready to grab her and run when he starts moving toward the SUV.
