Page 14 of Jester

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“Are we eating on the way or should I save my appetite for what’s waiting for me at the Sanctuary?”

Opening the back seat door, Sister Sass gasps. “Watch your mouth, pervert. My dad can hear you.”

Jester throws his head back and laughs loud at her teasing. Sister Sass grins at me before sliding inside the SUV. I feel myself breathing normal again. Even though Sister Sass mellows out, and Jester settles down during the drive, worry wraps tight around my heart.

Because as much as I want to save the damaged kid I met decades ago, I’ll end him in a heartbeat if it’s the only way to protect my baby girl.


Freedom doesn’t seemreal. I walk outside the prison and breathe no easier. Instead, I feel exposed out in the open. Yet, once I spot my people, my mind focuses on returning to the Sanctuary.

Papa Bear looks just like I remember. Seeing him on the phone doesn’t mean anything. People change even if they seem the same on a screen. That’s what happened to Talon.

She’s gone from beautiful to the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. Often, in my head, Talon remains a kid. I also struggle not to imagine her still hooked up to those machines. When I went to visit her in the hospital, I couldn’t even see her face because of all the bandages. I was sure she would die like Lando and Betty Boop did.

But here she is hugging me so tightly, her tits get smashed against my chest. I don’t know what to do with the boner she creates. Talon doesn’t even take notice of what she does to me, but Papa Bear is aware.

I feel his mood shift. Men like him and me don’t always speak at a human level. We share a deeper, more primal language

And Papa Bear’s currently telling me to fuck off. He figures Talon should be off-limits.

Except he’s wrong.Talon belongs to me.I might fuck up and hurt her. That’s a very real possibility. But there’s no denying she’s stuck on me. And I’ve never wanted anyone else. Why do we need to play games? I’m certainly not getting any fucking younger.

The ride home feels short. I listen to Talon talk freely about what everyone is up to lately. No editing herself or using coded language. I learn how Ghost’s woman is a vigilante.

“We did the math and she’s killed over thirty people. It’s insane. She’s a fucking mass murderer!” Talon explains with great gusto. “But like a virtuous mass murderer. She only kills perverts and killers. No one nice.”

Papa Bear chuckles at her enthusiasm as we pass another mile marker.

“They’re going to Texas to kill Giselle’s dad and his security team. Might even save a few women. Oh, God, I never showed you Apex’s newest kid. The older one is a cutie and thinks I’m a monster. Amelia will flinch in the most adorable way. But the new one is still just a blob of slobber and dirty diapers. Cute as can be, though.”

Talon reaches into the front seat to show me a picture of Apex’s baby daughter named Anna.

“He won’t even hold her,” Talon explains. “Says his hands are too big and scary for such a little thing.”

I look at my hands and remember how small Lando seemed when I’d pick him up. He wasn’t even a baby then, just a scrawny, walking, babbling kid with my eyes and his mom’s dimples.
