Page 15 of Jester

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Sadness floods my senses when I consider what might have been. Regrets don’t serve any purpose. I can’t change what happened. But I still wonder what my boy would be like now if he had lived.

Would he have stayed with Papa Bear and Lady Bug while I was locked up? No, he’d probably live with his turd mom, and she might have bailed when I was in prison. Even my what-if fantasies get weighed down with ugly facts.

“Everyone’s having kids,” Papa Bear says as we pass another little town on our way to Metamora. “Mabie and Blunt are officially together. She goes by the name ‘Care Bear’ now. They just moved into their place and already have a baby on the way.”

Talon leans between the front seats and explains, “They took a test. Like a paternity one for Clark. Turns out all their cheating hit the jackpot.”

“I always figured Clark was Blunt’s kid,” Papa Bear continues. “He gets this one look where he stares at his feet and pouts. Blunt’s face looks the same way when he’s having a bad day.”

“What happens with Blunt’s rank?” I ask, wondering if I’ll be Road Captain again.

“He knew it was only temporary,” Papa Bear explains. “You’re the Road Captain until you say you aren’t.”

Nodding, I don’t know if I even want the rank back. I’m not a young man anymore, and I only want to relax. However, I like hearing how regaining my rank is an option. The idea of everyone moving on without me leaves a piss-poor taste in my mouth. As if my return will be an inconvenience for people.

“Penthouse is having a baby,” Talon says when the silence lingers in the SUV.

“He’s the giant guy, right?”

“Yeah. You don’t know him well,” Talon mumbles as if realizing what I do.The world changed a whole fucking lot while I was gone.“He’s a big, quiet guy. But he hooked up with that Eliza chick I told you about. The one from Texas. They just moved in to a house near Overlord’s place and their kid is due soon.”

Feeling grumpy at how domesticated the world got while I was locked in a cage, I ask, “Is there even room on Tobosa Road anymore with all these young fucks getting hooked up and popping out the next generation?”

“Sure,” Papa Bear says. “Overlord didn’t even have his place when you got locked up. There’s only a half dozen homes, so far. Most of the younger members, both guys and chicks, are single.”

Talon leans farther into the front seat and looks at me. “If you built a house, would you be on Tobosa or with the founding members on Creosote Bush Road?”

Hearing her real question, I think about Papa Bear’s tension over his girl loving a piece of shit like me.Can I really just claim Talon, build a house, and make a kid like all these other guys have done?

The answer seems clear, but Talon still waits for me to respond to her question.

“What do I need with a house?”

Cocking an eyebrow, Talon asks, “Well, where will I rest my battered bang-hole if we don’t have a house?”

Papa Bear taps the brakes suddenly, tossing Talon into the back seat.

“Subtle,” she grumbles at her father.

Papa Bear just smirks. “Lost control of myself for a moment.”

Talon leans between the seats again and faces her dad. “I’m a mature woman with natural desires. Don’t try to put my bang-hole in the corner, Dad.”

“Never crossed my mind.”

Grinning, Talon turns toward me. I feel the moment when she realizes she’s playing with a beast. Her confidence sags, and she won’t hold my gaze.

“Which road do your gal pals Riot and Rave live on?”

Talon’s eyes flash upward, finding mine. She watches me for a moment before her big mouth revs again.

“Tobosa Road. They claimed the old ladies aren’t good neighbors.”

“They’re one block over,” Papa Bear mutters. “If the old ladies want to cause trouble, they can walk that far.”

Talon twists around to look at her father. “But unleashing a full-fledged offensive is more difficult from a separate block.”

“I know you’re joking, but Ominous encourages the biker chicks to look down at the old ladies.”
