Page 31 of Jester

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“Did more than that,” I mention and point at her hickey-covered throat. “Think Papa Bear will reem me out over that?”

“He knows I want you.”

“Knowing something and living with it are two different things.”

Nodding, Talon slides off the bed and disappears into the hall to reach the cottage’s single bathroom. I hear the water running and a toothbrush working.

I ought to get up and piss. Cleaning up seems right. But this bed is really comfy and smells like Talon who smells like me. All these years, and she’s still using my shampoo and body wash. I can’t help wondering what it would take to get those stars out of her eyes.

After Talon cleans up, I take her place in the bathroom. I don’t close the door. If she wants to peek, she can have at it. But I think she’s got romance in mind.

“I don’t have any food,” Talon announces after I tug on my shirt and stand in her cramped living room.

“You’ll need to stock up if I’m going to be coming around.”

After yanking up her jeans, she shoves her feet into riding boots before frowning at me. “Why here instead of your place?”

“I like being in your space.”

Talon grins at my words. She can’t hide her flirty chick feelings right now. I watch her rotate through her masks before she lands on tough bitch.

“I usually have breakfast at HQ. Can you deal with people?” she asks while lacing her boots.

“They all want to tell me shit.”

“They missed you.”

“I don’t remember them telling me shit when I lived here. I think they missed someone else.”

Talon steps closer and asks, “But wouldn’t it hurt your feelings if they didn’t make a big deal out of your return?”

“I’m not you, Talon. I rarely even remember my birthdays, let alone celebrate them. I don’t get hung up on dates or special occasions.”

“Don’t be selfish,” she says, making me scowl. “The Sanctuary’s suffered a lot over the last seven years. We’ve lost people. The Sanctuary doesn’t feel as secure. Right now, Ghost is headed to Texas with Thorn along with half the chick members. If they don’t come back, the Sanctuary might not recover from the loss. I know Overlord won’t.”

Walking to me, Talon continues, “And here you are, back after so long, a reminder of their past when things made more sense. The reminiscing isn’t just for you. It’s so we can pretend it’s the good old days when the Sanctuary was impenetrable and no one fucked with the club. Maybe those facts were never true, but they felt that way. Why can’t you help people feel that way today?”

“Because I care about me more than anyone else.”

“That’s not true. You love me,” Talon says, and the words—said so casually—hit me hard. “I love you, too. If you were gone, I’d never find anyone else. You’re my one shot, but I’m still scared and wish you weren’t in my house. I don’t like being uncomfortable and new shit scares me. But I suffered for you because I love you. I know you love me. And I know you love the people here at the Sanctuary. Maybe not all of them. But you love enough of them to fake like they aren’t annoying you with their boring-ass stories.”

Crossing my arms, I say, “I guess I wish I didn’t care. Life is easier that way.”

“I think love is worth the hassle.”

“Love isn’t an unbreakable thing,” I say, thinking of the people I’ve loved in life. “It’s not enough.”

“Enough for what?”

“To be happy.”

“Did you worry about happiness before you were locked up?”

“No, but I wasn’t responsible for anyone else then. Now everyone’s expecting me to make you happy.”

“No, they’re expecting us to date for a few weeks and break up. If we survive even a month, we’ll blow their fucking minds.”

Smirking at her sassy bullshit, I erase the space between us. She looks at me as if I’m a totally reasonable man she’s dating. I don’t like when she seems clueless. That kind of thinking is why she got raped and nearly killed. Talon’s used to feeling safe, so she forgets the world is dangerous.
