Page 44 of Jester

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After zooming past the three RVs, we park in a field. Soon, the SUV is set ablaze, and we wait at the pitch-black roadside for the RVs to roll up. The sisters join Vegas’s crew while we end up with Thorn. Dire brings up the third RV. We keep our lights off for the next ten miles.

From the back window, I can see several fires brightening the otherwise lightless night.

Luca settles next to me on a bench away from a few of the Dolls. She doesn’t try to engage with the women.

Her silence freaks me out as if she’s secretly hurt and keeping quiet to avoid panicking anyone. Only after my hands slide across her sexy yet powerful body do I settle down.

“The name Reece can work for a girl or a boy,” she tells me when my lips leave hers.

Despite the darkness, I can picture her electric blue eyes watching me full of hope. Luca craves the normal life stolen from her. She wants the home, family, and comfort never offered easily in her childhood. I might be a fucked-up guy, and she might be an effortlessly violent chick, but we feel right in all the best ways.

With the job done, Luca and I can finally focus on making Reece.


All day, I’ve had Texason my mind. A part of me knows something bad will happen, and those deaths will forever be on my conscience.

That’s why I bring Jules and the kids over to Papa Bear’s house just after sunset when I know the mission is about to begin. I feel like my dad can make sense of the situation, no matter what happens.

One way to distract myself is to focus my worry on Sister Sass, who I find at the house with Jester.

“I considered moving in town and sharing an apartment with Dire,” Sister Sass explains to the older man who instantly frowns. “But I’m lazy and moving seemed hard. Besides, Dire claimed I’d be a messy roommate and she wanted someone willing to do the dishes. That’s why she hooked up with Nadia, who I hear is quite the housemaid.”

Sitting nearby, our stepsister flips off Sister Sass. I know they’re both worried about tonight’s raid. Dire and Sister Sass have always been close. Nadia recently started dating my club brother Vegas.

Despite how the stepsisters are clearly only fucking about, Jester doesn’t lose his scowl. His snarly expression gets worse as the noise level increases after Mabie arrives with Clark who instantly want to play with Anthony and Michael.

I catch the large biker eyeing the three little boys, all older than Lando was when he died. Though I try to feel pity for Jester, I can’t help worrying he’ll use my sister as his broodmare to create a replacement kid. I’m not sure Sister Sass has any interest in motherhood. She usually calls children “fun killers.”

“I want a round two,” Zoey says suddenly and pokes at Jester. “You, me, and my knuckle sandwich.”

“Why do you keep hassling him?” Sister Sass demands of my pigtail-sporting daughter. “He’s just minding his own business.”

Zoey waves off her aunt’s question and mutters, “Choke on your clown tears, bitch.”

“I never taught you to say that. So, wait, now you’re copying other people?”
