Page 66 of Skye

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The dark-haired man watches with amusement while his brother seems agitated.

“Where is your… president, is it?” There’s a little derision in his words, and I can tell it pisses Pia off.

“Busy,” Pia says, her words hard. “I’m guessing you don’t have an appointment.”

The dark-haired man steps towards us and, suddenly, three guns are pointing in his direction. He doesn’t so much as flinch. In fact, his mouth pulls into a maniacal grin. “Been a while since anyone dared pull a gun on me. It makes me tingly.”

He sounds demented, which adds to my fear. The tension in the room is suffocating, even though nothing has really happened.

The blond-haired man shoves the other aside, his attention locking on me and Pia. He does a double take, his eyes narrowing on me, and I feel the weight of his gaze as he takes me in.

I don’t dare to breathe, unsure why I’m the focus of this man’s attention. He scrubs the hand over his jaw, his eyes softening. “Fuck, you look just like her.”

“Like who?”

“Why the fuck are you invading my clubhouse, Kane?” Howler’s words snap.

He’s not holding a weapon, but he doesn’t need to. These men do not seem to be a threat, and Howler clearly knows them.

“Didn’t my brother call ahead to tell you we were coming?”


“That explains the hostile reaction,” Kane says, turning to the other man. “And everyone says Zeke is the most reliable of us.”

The blond gives a lopsided smile, pulling his gaze from me, which allows me to breathe for the first time since they walked into the room. Pia tightens her grasp on my hand, and I squeeze back, letting her know we are in this together.

“I apologise for the…invasion. We’ll keep this brief. You have something that belongs to us, and we want it back.”

Howler folds his arms over his broad chest, refusing to back down. “Considering I don’t deal with London mob bosses, I highly doubt that.”

The blond’s eyes snap back to mine. “Hello, Skye.”

My forehead furrows, my mouth dropping open in surprise. How the hell does he know my name? I don’t know any London mob bosses called Kane, or whoever this is. It’s not like my father speaks to me about these people.

Ice fills my veins even as my heart clenches in my chest. My instincts are on overdrive, my body urging me to run, but I cling to Pia’s hand instead, terrified to let go. “How do you know who I am? And who are you?”

His mouth pulls into a smile, and I have to admit the man is attractive in a dark, brooding, yet well put together way. He doesn’t have any of the wildness Beau has, and I’m not sure I like this clean, suited look.

“Apologies. My name is Lucas Fraser, and this is my brother, Kane. We’ve been looking for you for a while.”

My heart skips a beat, then another, before it remembers how to pump. Are these associates of my father? Has he finally found me? Unconsciously, I step back, as if it will help.

Shaking my head, I feel the sweat on the back of my neck. I have never seen either of these men, and there’s no way in hell I’m letting them take me.

“Why?” Howler demands through gritted teeth.

Lucas pulls his eyes from me, giving Howler his attention instead. “That’s not important. All you need to know is we are not leaving without her.” He pulls the sleeves of his suit jacket down and then delivers a blow that nearly drives me to my knees.

“You think you can come into my house and demand to take someone under my protection?”

Lucas’s eyes narrow. “Is she under your protection?”

Howler steps towards him, his fists clenched as the sound of guns cocking fills the air. I don’t dare breathe, leaning into Pia’s comfort as we both try to shrink back from the imminent danger.

“Try and take her and you’ll find out.”

Lucas’s mouth pulls into a smirk, but before anyone can move, the door opens again and a small blonde woman rushes in. Lucas’s demeanour changes immediately, then he grabs the woman around the waist, pulling her against him. “Didn’t I tell you to wait in the car?” His tone is irritated, a bite of anger in his words.

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