Page 65 of Skye

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“You okay?”

I nod in response to Pia’s question, unable to look at her. What would she think if she knew my mind is on the men trying to kill her husband and her friends’ husbands?

“Just nauseous.”

I don’t have to have my eyes open to know she’s giving me a sympathetic look. “Jake wants to have a baby.”

I snap my eyes open, unsure what to expect, but her expression is a mix of uncertainty and serenity.

“Do you want a baby?”

That choice had been taken from me, snatched away by Scarlett’s actions, but I don’t regret the fact I’m pregnant. The baby growing inside me was the only thing keeping me going in the darker days, and I have something else to live for now.I have him.Even if I doubt every other person in this building, I do not have a niggle of uncertainty about Rage.

“I don’t know. I have… things in my past. Demons.” Her mouth curves down, her eyes tight as she says this.

This admission surprises me. She seems so happy all the time, so content. I would never have guessed she was dealing with something traumatic. I’m also not sure why she’s telling me this. Surely, one of the old ladies would be better for her to discuss this with.

“We all have demons.”

“Yeah, some worse than others.” Her eyes trail over my throat. “You don’t deserve the hate you’re getting. Everything happening here is not your doing. It’s unfair that you’re being held responsible for the actions of other people. What Trick did to you…”

I can tell she doesn’t know how to put into words what she’s feeling on this matter. I don’t either. I empathise with his anger, and I can even understand it, but I’m also pissed that all this vitriol and rage for my father is being directed it me.

“It’s done. And I’m fine.”

“I can see you’re fine. I’m going to ask Jake to give you more freedom. You came here for help, and we’ve locked you up like you’ve done something wrong. It’s not right. We should have helped more when he had his hands on you.”

Her words surprise me. Then again, if I push aside my hurt, my own prejudices, I would remember that the girls had tried to protect me when Trick attacked. They hadn’t sat by passively and watched while I was hurt. Hope had jumped in, trying to pull him back. Pia too.

“I don’t expect anyone to get hurt helping me.”

“I know, but you’re one of us now, and us girls have to stick together.” Her smile is warm and genuine, and I find myself mirroring it.

“I didn’t want my baby when I first found out I was pregnant,” I admit. I’ve never told anyone other than Rage that, but it feels poignant to admit it to her. “I knew the condom broke after we… you know? My intention was to find an all-night pharmacy and get the morning after pill. My father discovered where I was and sent his men after me. I’d run away, intending to start my own life away from the chaos of this world.”

I take a steadying breath, needing strength to rehash this part of my past. “I realised the people I thought I could trust were not on my side. My friend, she wanted me to have this baby to punish me.” I place a hand on my abdomen. “But it’s never felt like punishment.”

Pia’s gaze becomes unfocused as she stares at the table in front of her. “I don’t think I’m ready.”

“Then tell him that. Howler isn’t going to force you. You have options, choices.”

She reaches across the table, gripping my hand in hers. “I’m sorry yours were taken from you.”

“It was the right thing to happen. I want my baby. I already love her… or him,” I add around smile. I tease Rage by telling him our baby is a girl, but in truth, neither of us knows for certain what we are having. “When the time is right, you’ll want yours too.”

She bites her bottom lip, deep in thought, before her gaze lifts to mine. Just as she’s about to say something, the door opens and two men step into the room flanked by prospects. I don’t miss the way Ralph comes to his feet, placing himself between us and the men.

On the surface, they don’t seem threatening. Dark suits that look expensive fit each of their large frames perfectly, and their shoes shine as if they have been polished excessively. They each share similar features—the same slant to their noses, similar jaw lines, and piercing eyes—though where one has dark hair, the other has blond. I don’t need to be told to know they are brothers.

They’re followed by another man in a suit that is less well-fitted and looks cheaper. The way his eyes scan the room makes me think he is here to protect the men.

The dark-haired man peers around the room, taking in the mismatched furniture, the stained floor, and the battered sofas with a clear look of disdain on his face.

“I hate bikers,” he mutters.

He gives off waves of danger as his dark eyes focus on readjusting his cufflinks, as if being in this room is somehow sullying him.

Pia grabs my hand and pulls me out my seat, dragging us both back from them.
